Ghosts along the Mississippi

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"What about Jason?" 


"I'm talking baby names silly. We still need a name for the little one." 

"Jack we don't even know if it's a boy or a girl." Jackson sets the crate he'd been carrying and walks over, smiling as he rests a hand on my barely visible baby bump. 

"Trust me, it's a boy." We'd agreed that after this whole prophecy thing was averted we were going to take the pack and leave, at least for a while. I walk back over to the porch of the old cabin we used to share, Jackson and I had set out the rest of the boxes to be taken back to the apartment.

" I still say we should take my dartboard..." He calls back from the truck.

I laugh loudly rolling my eyes. "Your calendar girls, too? Some things are best left behind, Jack. And besides, I let you take your bow and arrow! Not exactly sure how you're going to hunt in the French Quarter, though..." I trail off, turning back with a box of stuff in my hands.

"Hipsters!" Jackson smirks causing me to let out a chuckle.

I shake my head, smiling. "Uh-huh." Just then, Jackson is shot in the neck with a wolfsbane dart and groans in pain.

"AHH!"Jackson falls to his knees, dropping the box in his hands onto the ground, and pulls out the dart as I drop my box and sprint over to make sure my husband is alright.

"Jack!" From out of the woods someone shoots the same dart they shot at Jack, only in my direction. I snatch the dart out of mid-air and crush it in my hand, the anger inside me boiling over. Whoever decided to fulfill their death wish by attacking my family is going to be incredibly disappointed.

I turn and shout in the direction of the woods. "You gonna come out of the woods, or are you gonna come out and fight?" Tristan's henchwoman Aya vamp-speeds behind me, stabbing me in the shoulder with a wolfsbane dart. The sudden pain makes me hiss but not enough to weaken me to the point of submission.

I spin around seething. "You are so not my favorite person today." My eyes glow as I bare my teeth and backhand Aya across the face. She lunges for me again forcing my back and onto the ground, I throw my legs up and kick her in the stomach. Aya stumbles away looking even more pissed than before. Jackson, recovering from his own wolfsbane dart, groans and pulls himself to his feet so he can help fight the Strix vampires. As I move to punch Aya again in the face, Jackson growls and partially shifts into a werewolf as he lunges for another vampire, hitting him hard in the nose with the heel of his hand before punching a second, and biting a third on the neck. The second vampire comes up behind Jackson and pulls him off, but Jackson kicks the third vampire in the chest so hard he's able to back-flip out of the second vampire's grip and return to the fight. He flips the second vampire onto the ground and bites him on the wrist to weaken him before standing to his feet and looking over at me as I continue fighting Aya.

"AMELIA!" Vampires begin to overpower Jackson and inject him with more wolfsbane, his shouts distract me as I yell out for my husband.


The distraction allows Aya to grab me in a choke-hold, which gives the sniper in the woods a chance to shoot her with two more wolfsbane darts as well, and I pass out on the ground when Aya drops my unconscious form to the ground. 


"Damn, that took forever!" I wipe my forehead of sweat on set down the mop and bucket of dirty soapy water. I'd spent all morning cleaning the apartment for when Amelia and Jackson got back. With all the trouble they'd been dealing with lately, a dirty apartment should be the last thing on their minds. I wipe my already dirty hands on my even dirtier jeans and white tank top, I suppose I've taken to Jackson's style of clothing. I rub the back of my neck in an attempt to alleviate some of the pain when my phone buzzes in my pocket.

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