For the Next Millenium

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My dear Rebekah,

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My dear Rebekah,

I hope this finds you well. I write to offer an update and to ask for advice. Our brothers remain at odds. Klaus will never apologize— not for the blood he's shed or for the suffering Hayley and Amelia continue to endure— and Elijah cannot forgive him. Despite my efforts, we are a house divided. Which is not to say I have no good news...

In St. Anne's church, where Marcel has set up a gym, Marcel and Adam go a few rounds in the cage. The sparring match was part of a weekly routine the two had set up. Marcel just barely misses a jab from Adam, but fails to catch the punch to the abdomen. He lands flat on his back with a thud, chuckling as Adam offers him a hand the two breathing heavily.

Niklaus kept his word— Marcel controls the Quarter again, and has established a gym in the old church, where he tests the potential vampires that wish to join his community. Adam trains and learns to control his new hybrid nature.

The two stop sparring as Elijah walks in wearing a cut-off t-shirt and shorts. Adam looks away avoiding eye contact as Elijah climbs into the ring to join him.

It's morning when a sleepy and shirtless Lucien strolls into the living room of his new apartment right across the street from the compound. The twins play in a playpen however, James drop a block on his head and begins to wail. Lucien sighs and picks up his crying nephew to soothe him, his distraction from the previous night had prevented him from putting his niece and nephew in their beds.

"Are they doing alright?" He turns smiling, to see a half dressed Freya smiling sleepily against the kitchen counter. James, who'd managed to stop crying is set back in his playpen. He wraps his arms around her, kissing her forehead. The two had kept their 'relationship' well hidden considering what Klaus does when he discovers Rebekah's relationships, it doesn't end well.

"As well as can be expected. They just miss their momma." She nods

"Of course, but let's get back to more important matters..." She kisses him, Lucien's cares are quickly forgotten.

Davina's rage at our family has only grown. And, as Regent of all the covens, she is far too formidable to be swayed. Meanwhile, Niklaus has begun to see Camille for what he calls "their little chats." He claims a desire to mend his ways. In truth, he seems utterly free of remorse... which only drives Elijah further away.

I wonder if you would write me with any advice you have on how to heal their fractured bond. Until then, I remain your sister Freya.



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