Dead Angels

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Sebastian is staring at Ariane's dead body when Davina finally decides to join him. She stops dead in her tracks and gapes in horror when she realizes what he is staring at-- Ariane's dead body laying on the floor outside of the pool, her blonde hair soaked with blood from what she guessed to be a vampire feeding on her. Davina rushes over to check on her, looking upset, the Mikaelsons did this she knew it.

"What happened to her?" Davina's eyes filled with tears, she was the only nice one.

Sebastian looks grim at the dead girl. "This is what befalls anyone who bargains with Elijah Mikaelson. Ariane discovered the weapon that can kill an Original. And since they would never allow anyone to possess so deadly a secret..."

"He killed her." Davina sadly brushes a lock of hair off of Ariane's face.

"She was nice to me." She mummers quietly.

"Then perhaps you won't mind spending a little more time together." Sebastian snaps his fingers, the rest of the Sisters file into the room two and at a time, each of them wearing the same dark black cloak with the hood over their hair. Davina stands and watches as the rest of her new coven surrounds them. One of them in particular, a young, round-faced woman with long black hair, gives Davina a curious look.

"You and the others will channel her, search her mind, and find the weapon."The black-haired witch nods at these words and the Sisters all kneel around Ariane's body, though Davina looks slightly appalled by this request.

She was a friend why should she root around where they don't belong? "That's a little disrespectful to the dead, don't you think? Not to mention dangerous." She looks even more nervous at the prospect if the Mikaelsons found out.

"If the Mikaelsons finds out..."

Sebastian rolls his eyes in annoyance. "I know better than you how dangerous Elijah can be. And yet, as he is my sire, my life and the lives of the Strix are tied to his." He gives her a menacing glare as she steps forward so they're almost nose to nose and brushes Davina's hair behind her ears in a threatening gesture. Davina instinctively flinches away from her touch as Sebastian speaks in a mockingly friendly voice.

"So, I will not rest until that weapon is found." Davina does not look happy as she watches him leave the room. Sebastian walks out the front door to the building and is about to leave when Marcel, who was waiting for him outside the door, calls out to him. The mere sight of him raised Sebastian's annoyance level through the roof, their shared history with Amelia did unite their cause.

"So, that's how it is." Sebastian looks both annoyed and slightly impressed that Marcel found him, and he nods at him.

"Mmm." All the man wanted was a cup coffee and now he was being interrogated.

"You recruit a witch from my city, and you don't even tell me?" He rolls his eyes, no longer amused.

"I'm not in the habit of explaining my decisions to subordinates." Sebastian turns to leave, but Marcel isn't yet finished speaking.

"She's just a kid."

"Davina Claire is the former Regent. A shame she aligned with us only after her shunning." This time, it's Marcel who rolls his eyes.

"But then, some things are beyond even my control." Once again, he attempts to leave, but Marcel grabs him by the arm and pulls him back. Sebastian looks at him, visibly appalled by his insubordination.

"I'm not gonna let her be your puppet." Sebastian sneers at him and yanks his arm out of his grasp.

"You are in no position to make demands. If the prophecy is true, the Mikaelsons will fall within the year, and us along with them. I have a plan that will keep us alive." Marcel slowly releases his grip.

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