Give'em Hell Kid

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Davina Claire...

It was hard to believe that a bright girl with so much talent was now gone. All of us who had come to Davina's "funeral" had fallen silent and were trying not to shed any tears. I lay a hand on my small and now slightly visible bump, promising myself that if this baby was a girl her name would be Davina. Josh steps up and stares sadly at the small stone that marked her body from many others.

He runs his hand along the engraved words and opens his mouth to speak. "A while ago, forever ago, I told Davina a story about my first boyfriend but what I didn't tell her was that I had never shared that story with anyone else. She was like a sister and a best friend and I loved her. I wish th... uh..."

Vincent looks towards Kol expectantly, as though waiting for him to say something. But Kol shakes his head, his eyes falling on the cobbled path that had led us here. I slip my arm in through his own in an attempt to comfort him. Everyone else was at Camille's funeral but I couldn't bring myself to go as I knew I would be needed here.

"I'm sorry, I can't."

"Words aren't any good, the Mikaelsons need to answer for this. I'm gonna make them answer." Marcel spits out angrily. He rests a hand on Davina's tombstone.

"I promise."

I had gone back to Marcel's loft to keep an eye on him. Davina was like a daughter to him and Elijah and Freya all but murdered her. I lean in the doorway and watch as Josh pours himself a drink.

"It's funny, you know, I missed out on the whole binge drinking thing in college, but, ah, guess I'm making up for it with the drowning my sorrows thing, so, cheers." Marcel approaches from behind and rests a hand on his arm briefly.

"Hey, you should slow down." Josh turns at him looking mildly annoyed. I sigh stepping further into the room knowing exactly where this conversation was headed.

"Maybe you should slow down. Hey, how about that little declaration of war you made this morning? Yeah, you might want to pump the brakes on that plan, because the Mikaelsons? They aren't exactly known for letting bygones be bygones."

"Maybe I don't care. Maybe it's the Mikaelsons who need to worry about me." He looks at me as I pull the vial out of my jacket pocket and let Josh have a good long look. Josh's eyes widen as he realizes what he's looking at.

"Is that...?" Josh can't bring himself to finish his sentence.

"Lucien's serum." Marcel nods, the two of us share a look. Josh looks at the two of us as if we'd just told him we were going to nuke the city.

Josh laughs cynically. "Oh, cool. So you're both gonna die soon too, well, that's good to know, I'll make sure I get this suit cleaned stat." I put my hand on his shoulder and give him the best reassuring look I can muster.


"This'll make sure I can't die." Marcel cuts in making himself seem more confident than I knew he was.

"Marcel, if you take that, you will be the last thing on earth that can kill a Mikaelson. That's like an open declaration of war. I mean, how'd that work out for that Lucien guy, huh? And you know what? Best case scenario, what are you going to do? Hmm? You gonna kill all of them? Klaus, Elijah, Freya, Kol? Yeah, he's mad at them now, but when push comes to shove, even Hayley chooses them over you. So are you going to take down everyone? And do you think that's what Davina would have wanted?"

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