Don't it just break your heart

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"So you think Greta is the reason my mother is missing?" I'd come down to breakfast in the morning to Greta's screams. They were rather annoying considering since my mother's disappearance I've hardly gotten any sleep. Both Klaus and my father had taken a keen interest in her torture, they wanted answers and she had them.

"I know she is. You could call her the supernatural equivalent of a nazi. She and a man by the name of August Müller were gnats I thought long dead. She believes Hope and the twins are dangerous, a threat." He grinds his teeth, if those vampires bothered to know a thing about those kids they wouldn't dare lay a hand to them.

"I want to talk to her." My tone not leaving much room for argument. Klaus nods and leads me down into the dungeon where he's holding Greta.

"So. My siblings are a danger, a threat, menaces to the natural order." Greta barely spares me a glance. Her indifference boils my blood causing me to backhand her across the face resulting in a notable crack.

"You have the audacity to threaten children?! I should tear you limb from limb." Normally my deadly calm voice would put the fear of God. But it seems Greta doesn't have the good sense to be afraid.

"Three children born of werewolf blood, who can create hybrids at will. Their defect must be corrected." I know my nails are leaving crescent shapes in my hand as I try reigning in my anger, but the impulse to beat the hell out of her is incredibly strong. My siblings weren't threats and they sure as hell didn't have defects.

"Their defects are our defects. Say that again, I'll let Klaus pluck out your eyeballs and eat them like olives off his fingertips." Family was an incredibly sensitive topic for me, we'd all been through hell those few years. And now in a matter of weeks, New Orleans was on the brink of war.

"I'll call it what it is... A dirtying of my species. Which diminishes the pure and superior nature of vampires." My god, she was an arrogant bitch, if anything, vampires were the degenerate species here."Just get on with it!"                                                           

 "The children will purify themselves, submitting to the same spell that your mother, Esther, once used to bind you. Once their werewolf side is sublimated, the children will no longer be capable of creating their abominations." It was something worthy of an eyebrow raise. She didn't think we would actually give in to her demand?

"And if we don't agree?"Greta chuckles, another strike against her. "It's a simple choice. Your daughter's werewolf nature or her mother's worldly life. The clock is ticking."We walk back upstairs to find Marcel waiting for us. 

"Explain to me exactly how you know this guy she was talking about, August. I want the full story. I'm not going to allow the twins to go through what you did."                                                                                                    

 "The man was a forgettable artist, a virulent fascist, and a murderous slob who slaughtered werewolves by the pack."Clearly, there was more to the story, there always was. 

"And what exactly did you do to him?"   

"What exactly makes you think I had any hand in this?" Both Marcel and I fail to believe he didn't have some hand in the events back then.

"Gee. Oh, I don't know, maybe a couple hundred years of history."                              

"That hideous Greta woman with her reverence for a dilettante who made no mark upon the world. I will not entertain her hateful ask and bind my child or my brother's."                    

Death to the Miraclesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें