Hell or New Orleans

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The previous night


I stepped into the living room right around two a.m. finding the television still going and my sister and niece asleep on the couch. Smiling as I pick up the remote and switching off the movie and clearing away the bowl, I lay a blanket over them. Taking two letters out of my jacket pocket I lay them under her phone which she'd laid on the table.

I can still remember my brothers handing me the envelopes, two for me and two for Amelia I never understood why that was until after their deaths.

My sister has been a wolf for six months and I have no idea how she'll react to the letters, but she needed to know.



Dearest sister,

I know that when you read this I'll be gone, I don't know when we'll see each other again but I know we will. Now, however, I leave this world I just want you to know that I did it for you. I know you'll be mad at me for a while but all I ask is that you don't blame yourself for any of it. You are my sister and I love you very much, from the day you were born I knew you would do great things. Never forget that you are a strong woman and can do many things. You're a fighter and for the love of god please keep fighting, you're stronger than any of us could imagine.

I love you, little sister,


I wake to the sounds of loud jazz music playing close by. In annoyance I storm over to the balcony throwing open the doors, glaring down at the musicians.
"Hey! It is not Jazz Fest and some of us have kids that are trying to sleep." Soft crying from down the hall forces me to sigh loudly and shut the balcony doors. The exhaustion and frustration are near overwhelming, having spent six months as a wolf it was still hard getting used to the fact that I was once again human.

"Are you ok?" Jackson's voice says from behind me. I turn looking both annoyed and frazzled, running a hand through my hair clearly telling him that I'm not.

"Was having a really nice time sleeping till the music woke me up. God... How am I supposed to live with all of this noise?" He smiles sadly, walking over and grabbing my hand.

"You're just sensitive to it, okay? We spent six months as wolves in the Bayou. We've been back less than a day, it's going to take some time to get used to things again." I nod and rub my eyes as tears of frustration spring into my eyes.

"I trusted people and ended up stuck as a wolf and two of my brothers, one I hardly knew both are killed. I've never felt more helpless in my entire life." A small frustrated groan escapes as I wipe more tears from my eyes. He takes both my hands in his, bringing me close to his chest.

"It's ok, you have every right to be angry and frustrated. I know it's not easy but we can start by appreciating the family we still have." I nod, still nuzzled to my husband's chest. Wrapping my arms around him and breathing in his scent helps to calm me down.

"I just feel... off." Jackson pulls out his phone, I look in confusion as he simply gives me the 'wait and see' look.

"What are doing."

"Just go get changed. We're going out for a while."


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