The Bloody Crown

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Elijah stares into the cribs where his sleeping son and daughter lay. He wondered how different their lives might be if Jackson or Adam were their father. A terrible feeling of dread came over him, but of all the things in his life that he regretted their birth was not one of them.

Freya stepped into the room watching her brother carefully. Amelia had not come home since the incident on the bridge and no one knew where she was or what she would do. They had broken her trust again and again the entire family knew there would be consequences.

"Sorry to intrude brother but we have a big problem..."

"All this was you?" Marcel asks he lightly runs his hand along the crack on Davina's tombstone. Vincent shakes his head a ghost of a smile on his lips.

"No...I had help. Davina Claire. She's the one that made sure The Ancestors were gone for good. It's the last thing she did."

"That means you've done your part. That just leaves me to do mine." Marcel takes a deep breath and Vincent and I share a nervous glance.

"Are you sure you can?"

"Am I sure I can? The whole point of me taking Lucien's serum was so I'd have the power to deal with the Mikaelsons." I rest a hand on my friend's uneasy shoulder.

"Marcel, there's a big difference between having the power and using the power to kill somebody. And these people were your family... and mine." He seems to relax only a bit before immediately tensing and turning around.

"They were my family. Do you know why I even bothered pretending like I hadn't already taken the serum? I needed to see how my family would react. Elijah killed me in cold blood."

"I, believe me, Marcel, I know. I just want to make sure you can do what needs to be done."

Marcel scoffs. "Yeah, so whatever happens next, they've earned it."

Now it's Vincent's turn to scoff. "Did the people of New Orleans earn it too? 'Cause I've been hearing the rumors about vampires, just flocking into town, and it looks to me you're dead set on starting a war. And I need to know what happens to the innocent people when they get caught in the crossfire of that. Now, you got to promise me you're gonna do what's right for the people of this city."

My eyebrows raise in surprise. This was the first time I was hearing of this. This makes me wonder how long he's been planning this.

"That's exactly what I'm gonna do." Vincent and I once again share apprehensive looks. 'Are you happy now?' his eyes ask me, I close my eyes as if giving him my answer. I was blind with anger and a desperate need for revenge and now I was watching the fruits of my labor.

Elijah walks down the stairs, Kol is gathering weapons while Finn looks around uneasily. Klaus steps into the hall.

"Freya's tracking your sirelines now. So it won't be long which works for me. I could use a good fight."

"Well, we do have an advantage. No vampire may enter this stronghold as long as the deed remains in Freya's name."

Finn rolls his eyes. "I doubt even that will keep them out." Kol looks at his brothers in disbelief.

"So what? We hide in here while the enemy mass at the front gate?"

"Well, if they are so determined to die at our hands, let them come."

Freya reciting an incantation over the map, seeping a vial of blood. She opens her eyes to see lots of blood, she gasps, she hears noises of a crowd nearby, footsteps are approaching. Suddenly an elbow slams down on the back of her head from behind forcing Freya's head into the table and knocking her unconscious.

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