Letters to the Dead

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It wasn't often I was greeted with death, first thing in the morning but when I was it was always in strange circumstances. When I walked into the compound and found a dead girl laying on a bed of lavender. Sighing heavily as I knelt to inspect what was clearly a message intended for Klaus and Elijah.

"So, my first sired wants to kill you. Yours wants to kill me. Makes you regret turning vampires in the first place." I hear Klaus say as he and Elijah return from wherever they'd been.

"Well, the division of labor seems crystal clear-- two of them, two of--" Elijah responds but cut himself off as the two enter the courtyard to see me standing over the body.

"I'm going to assume this was a gift from one of your many admirers." The men remain frozen in their place as their eyes scan the scene before them. The poor girl's slit wrists bled onto the lavender and onto the floor, it was a grim scene to sure.

Klaus, horrified races toward the girl to examine the body and finds a letter in her hand. He picks it up and skims it quickly, and it's obvious by the look on his face that it isn't good. Klaus stands to his feet before silently handing Elijah the letter, not even looking him in the eyes. Elijah curiously reads the letter aloud

"Roses are red, lavender is blue. Come find me before I find you."

The three of us stand in the courtyard awkwardly as I wait for them to explain themselves.

Klaus scowls as he rereads Aurora's letter. " I remember her being a better poet."

I scoff in response motioning to Aurora's very pointed message. " Oh, I wouldn't say that this is lacking in poetry."

"She wants us to find her. So let's." I shake my head.
"As much as I'd love to help, I can't." Klaus and Elijah turn to me looking confused.
"I have to make a trip to Baton Rouge. I'll be gone all day Jackson and Hayley are with Davina. Trust me I'll be fine." Klaus tries to protest but Elijah holds up a hand to silence him. Though Elijah himself doesn't look terribly pleased with the development, I place a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Turning to Klaus my face isn't as pleasant. "If what you said last night is in any way true I will make you regret the day you were born." His face melts into one of shame and regret. Elijah tries to offer to accompany me, but the thought of being near any of them right now is enough to make me sick.
"When I get back I expect the full story. The truth." I turn not allowing either of them to say anything else.

While I knew that I should have had someone come with me on my "mission" but I needed to be alone right now and collect my thoughts. With Adam gone and Luc and Jackson were stressed enough as it was, I wasn't going to put more stress on anyone more than necessary. Taking the twins from Luc's care claiming we were having a day to ourselves, shopping and avoiding Klaus in general. The drive to Baton Rouge was long and silent except for the occasional babbling from one of the twins. But once I enter the city limits it's almost as if a flood of memories overtakes me, I hadn't been back to this city in decades and I wasn't looking to make a big entrance.

"Ok, little ones we're here. Let's make this quick shall we?" I load the twins into a two-person stroller. They play contently as I weave in and out of shops hoping to be seen only by the right people if I was right someone would come to find me. Not many people would have stayed in the aftermath of Mikael's visit and in the decades that followed. But I knew that those who stayed would either be loyal to me or to themselves. I knew it would be a similar situation like Klaus had with Marcel, I knew someone would have taken my throne and unlike Klaus, I was more than ok with that.

I had just exited a bakery when someone calls out for me. Turning, I smile and am greeted with another old and familiar face.

"Never thought I'd see you back here after what you and the Mikaelson's brought down on this city."

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