Voodoo in My Blood

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Hope, Emma, and James stare at the ancient jaw bone that belongs to the Hollow. James moves around the table and watches with curiosity as the bone moves along with him. The whispers call out to the three Mikaelson children, the whispers seem to call out to James in particular. The young boy reaches across the table intending to touch the bone, only Hayley's sudden entrance deters him.

"Kids, what's going on?"

Hope turns to her mother. "Mom? Can you hear them, too?"

Klaus enters the room to see his nephew staring at the ancient bone. There was something about the way he looked at it unnerved him "What's going on?"

Hayley knees down to her daughter's level. "Look at me. Tell me what you heard." Emma glances nervously towards her twin. The twins had a special connection and though both were hearing voices, her brother felt cold.

"Voices. They said that we're connected to this. You, me, uncle Adam, and Savannah." Klaus and Hayley exchange nervous looks. Nothing about this was sitting right with either of them.

"If this fossil has been whispering lies, I'll gladly throw it in the river." Klaus was all too eager to get rid of the creepy bone.

Emma shakes her head adding her voice to the conversation. "No. Not the bone. The witches. The Ancestors. They have a message for us. A warning."

Hayley holds the girls' hands. "Tell me what they said."

"They want you to go to St. Anne's Church to talk to them. They said you have to do exactly what they say, and you have to do it now. Before the Hollow comes for us."

"You need to relax. I'm on my way to New Orleans right now. And I have good news. I went through the remains of the Lockwood estate, and I found you one creepy-ass, ancient finger bone."

"Your efforts are appreciated. Now, if you could only pick up the pace." Klaus retorts. The sight of the children surrounding the bone was still haunting him. The sooner Alaric Saltzman could get him the Lockwood's bone, the sooner they could rid themselves of it

"Easy, Klaus. The only reason I'm heading your way is because I don't want you anywhere near Mystic Falls. Things tend to get murder-y when you're around."

"Well, that's a fair point. Now, Alaric, if our pleasantries have run their course..."

"Oh, hey, listen, one more thing. The Lockwoods, they didn't just safeguard the bone... They kept records with names, dates, and locations. Turns out they had knowledge of other families that were charged with guarding the rest of the remains. Now, does the name Labonair mean anything to you."

With only a thin veil of annoyance, he responds. "It's familiar, yeah."

"Well, good. That might be a lead to help you find the rest of the remains. Which you'll have to do yourself because my days of fighting monsters are over. Okay, so here's the deal. I will be at Jack's Bar-B-Q Shack off Route 59 until 2:00-o-clock. If you're not there by 2:10, I chuck the bone and the records in a Dumpster and I'm gone. And then you can fish them out of the trash yourself."

"Well, I'm afraid I'll be otherwise occupied, so you'll be meeting Elijah and Amelia. And if perchance, he's running late, I suggest you exercise some patience and have yourself a beer. Otherwise, you'll have a few more monsters to worry about."

The Abattoir

"I know you're angry." I roll my eyes and continue to flip through my book of spells. Just when I thought Elijah and I were on the same page he goes completely off-script. It had been a late-night phone call from Vincent for me to find out what he had done. As angry as I was, sadly it was something that no longer surprised me.

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