Out of the Easy

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As much as I'd intended to stay away after eating dinner with my family I just couldn't. I stormed back into the compound and into the room were Hayley and Freya were holding Aurora. Hayley notices my presence and stands, looking confused as to why I'm there.

"They threaten our family.... and I'm in need of an outlet for my aggression." I glare at Aurora

"We're gonna have a lot of fun." Aurora gapes in surprise at Hayley's entrance. I suppose her recent escapade with Klaus had made her jealous of any other woman he was affectionate with.

"Hayley! The mother of Niklaus' child. Ooh, I was really hoping I'd get to meet you." Her smile made me want to get sicker than I already was.

Hayley glares daggers at her. "Feeling's not mutual." Aurora isn't the least bit bothered by this rejection.

"Oh, okay. So, then what, pray tell, are we doing here?" The three of us stand side by side, stare at Aurora with serious expressions.

"You're gonna tell us where to find Rebekah, or we're going to kill you."

"Oh!" Aurora chuckles in amusement as we smile smugly at her. She turns to me what she says makes my blood boil.

"You're the mother of Elijah's children. Such a shame really, the queen my fool brother seems to admire is someone else's bitch." I glance at Hayley and Freya who give Aurora the look of someone who should be very afraid. With incredible force, I strike her hard enough to break the skin and watch as blood trickles down her cheek.

"Try me again you psychotic whore and you'll see what this bitch can do." Hayley smiles impressed and joins in the fun, punching Aurora in the face.

"Ugh!" Aurora doubles over as she recovers from the blows.

I land a blow to the back of her head forcing it down. Yanking on her hair so that her eyes meet mine. "I'm gonna ask you again-- where is Rebekah?" 

Aurora, whose nose is bleeding, wipes the blood off her lips before giving me an impressed look.

"You're quite strong... for an infant." I snort shaking my head. "Please tell me that's not the best you've got." Freya, annoyed, thrusts her hand in front of her and casts a powerful pain infliction spell on Aurora, which causes her to scream in pain and clutch her head.

"AHHH!" Freya clenches her hand into a fist, which only increases the agony Aurora is experiencing.


Aurora musters up all the energy she has and fights through the pain long enough to vamp-speed toward Freya and shove her into the nearby wall, which distracts her enough to stop the spell. Aurora then lunges for Hayley and backhands her across the face, angering Hayley so much that she starts to fight with her again. Aurora blocks her punches and twists Hayley's arm back before kicking her in the stomach. While Hayley is recovering, Aurora shoves Hayley backward into the wall opposite of Freya, and she laughs triumphantly.

"Ha ha!" When Aurora lunges for Hayley again, Freya jumps forward and casts a crippling pain infliction spell, this one even more powerful than the previous one. Aurora clutches her head and groans in pain, nearly falling to her knees from the force of it.

"AGH!"After a moment, Freya releases her from the spell, and Aurora pants loudly as she recovers.

"Uh! Huh!" Suddenly, Aurora starts to giggle loudly.

"Woo! Hahaha! That actually hurt. Haha!" We look amused and baffled by how exhilarated Aurora seems to be as a result of their attacks.

"Oh, I haven't felt pain since the 1700s! Kind of tickles!" Suddenly, Aurora's smile falls slightly, and she looks at Hayley and Freya coldly.

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