We Have Not Long to Love

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It was the first thing I felt as I woke up. I suppose it wasn't uncommon after taking back a huge amount of black magic. Sitting up in bed I realize in addition to the numbness there was a chill. I could recall the feeling of The Hollow from when I was eight. All I could remember was the feeling of cold, and yet it wasn't the cold that bothered me.

I made my way over to the closet and pulled on a hoodie and a worn pair of jeans. The smell of bacon, fruit, and beignets was wafting into my room and I could hear my stomach growling. I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday morning, food hadn't exactly been my primary concern. But whatever the case, breakfast was going to be pretty damn awkward. One look in the mirror and I sigh heavily. My skin is pale, my eyes look tired and damn near lifeless, and not to mention my hair definitely looked like I just rolled out of bed.

I knew one thing was for sure, with all this black magic inside of me if I saw my father I was going to kill him.

Quietly, I pad downstairs in desperate need of food and I sense of normalcy. For once our family could be in the same room without the world coming to an end. In the dining room, my aunt and uncle along with my sister and cousin are eating.
"Morning." They look up and I can tell they're trying hard not to say something.

"Yea I know I look like death warmed over. Now move over I need food." I plop down beside my aunt and start scooping food onto my plate. My uncle clears his throat and continues whatever conversation they'd been having before I walked in.

"The curse that plagued our family for seven years has taken its toll on all of us. On our city. On our home. On our family. The consequences of us being together were grave, but today, thanks to you, we celebrate a new beginning. One in which we have the freedom to stand side by side. And whatever trials may come, we will face them together, as a family. Always and forever." It sounded so pompous, we hadn't won some battle I'd nearly killed myself trying to prevent Hope and Emma from doing something incredibly stupid. And by the way, they were avoiding eye contact with me, they knew it too.

"Could you pass the beignets please?" Hope asks awkwardly.

"Of course."

"So, Rebekah will be back in a few days. She's just tying up some loose ends overseas." I actually feel like smiling for the first time in a while. It had been years since I'd seen my aunt in person, it would be nice to be able to hug her.

"It'll be really nice to have her here."

"It'll be nice to have all of us under one roof again." Freya smiled as she rubbed my shoulder while I was shoveling my food into my mouth.

"Good morning. Obviously, there is a lot for us to discuss. Kids, let me begin by telling you how truly sorry..." Hearing my father's voice made that chill grow stronger. The fork in my hand begins to split and curl. My power had always been strong, but my anger was giving me a huge spike.

I stand abruptly pushing away my plate, I needed to get out of here before I did something to him I couldn't take back.
"Thanks for breakfast, guys, but I have homework and crap to catch up on." Walking past my father I look him dead in the eye. I can see it, he recognizes me. More anger flooded my veins, it didn't piss me off that he recognized me it pissed me off that it was too little too late.

"You really do remember us. Ha, you know it's funny... I don't even recognize the man I looked up to as a kid." He's trying to hide the guilt, but it's eating at him. A man who can't look his son in the eye was in a hell of his own.

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