Come to the Wild Side

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Slinking into the kitchen the following morning after having gotten little sleep last night I was not looking forward to sleep anytime soon. The cold morning tiles do little to shake the fog from my head, the visions I'd seen in my sleep of blood and death and pain haunted me. These visions were becoming more and more vivid which was all the more disturbing to me they felt so real. One of the more vivid was of the seer Alexis, the only way I was able to recognize her was Luc's description of the woman was rather descriptive. I'm not sure where she was exactly was but from the story, Luc told me of what happened I believe she was or is going to be abducted. I've never had prophetic dreams or at least none that have been clear signs of danger. Rubbing my eyes as I pour myself a cup of coffee, a soft knock is heard at the door as I sigh setting down my cup.

When I open the door a sharply dressed dark skinned woman holds out what appears to be an invitation.
"Mr. de Martel eagerly awaits your arrival this evening." I nod slowly looking down to the invitation when I open my mouth to ask who the hell that was, I look back up only to find her gone and the hallway empty. Closing the door I return to my slightly cooler coffee and take a sip as I scan the invite front to back.

You are cordially invited to an evening of exquisite excess. The Davilla Estate, 7041 St. Charles Avenue. Midnight
On the back in beautiful cursive reads: I look forward to meeting the Queen I've so often heard of.

So he knew who I was and of my days as the queen of Baton Rouge, but I had no idea who this man is. There was one person who might have a clue, though I hadn't spoken to him in two decades or more. Pulling my phone from my pocket and scrolling through my contacts until I find the right name.

"Isaiah? It's me I know it's been a while.... listen I need your help with something. Does the name de Martel ring any bells with you?" A familiar unsettling feeling settles in my stomach, I think I just got an idea of who the hell abducted Alexis.

 Does the name de Martel ring any bells with you?" A familiar unsettling feeling settles in my stomach, I think I just got an idea of who the hell abducted Alexis

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"I'm assuming you all are aware there are more vampires roaming around the Quarter than usual?" I call out, walking into the study adjusting an earring. When I look up I'm greeted with faces of pleasant surprise, it's then that I realize they haven't really seen me in more formal attire.

"Yes I'm aware I look pretty, I'm going for a meeting in an hour and planned on stopping by to talk to Elijah." Klaus opens his mouth but I silence him with a look.

"Ooook then, Elijah was just informing me on how Klaus has no clue on which one of their long-lost buddies is they can trust and which is trying to kill them." I lean up against the wall rolling my eyes smiling at their cluelessness. Klaus stands at the far end of the room, several times he looks over to me trying to meet my eyes but every time I look everywhere but him.

"Lovely, I'm going to assume you've also informed her of the prophecy?" I ask, Hayley looks pointedly at Elijah while Klaus looks on amused. Ok then, clearly these two still have underlying issues, I continue to roll my eyes at the absurdity of the situation.

Death to the MiraclesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang