Gather Up the Killers

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Five years... five years since the fall of the Mikaelsons. It's hard t believe so much time has gone by. But is it so hard to imagine when you have a fifteen-year-old two seven-year-olds and a five-year-old running around the house?

The sun shining in my bedroom window wakes me early this morning though I didn't want to leave the warmth of my sheets. From the moment I opened my eyes, I know exactly what today is... five years since the day none of us can quite forget. I quietly slip into a gray V-neck T-shirt a pair of blue jeans and a pair of brown work boots. Walking down the stairs I can't help but breath a sigh of relief realizing I so much because I wasn't constantly fearing what was around the corner.

I may feel guilty for trying to get them killed but I can't help but feel glad for the peace they gave us. When you raise four kids you had to get up early in the morning chores around the property and making breakfast for what feels like a twenty-person baseball team. 

"Morning momma." Savannah's groggy voice greets me as she slinks down the stairs. Dressed in a large nightshirt and plaid pajama pants she plops down onto a stool and attempts to grab a slice of cooked bacon. I slap my daughter's hand away and peck her on the forehead.

"Morning hun, you know the rules wait for your siblings." She sticks her tongue out at me though she thinks I don't see it.

"Do you want to go wake up Jonah? I need to wash his sheets and I want him up." Savannah nods and slinks back upstairs to go wake her baby brother. Jonah Jackson Kenner was my five-year-old little angel and he was every bit his father's son with a mop of dark brown curls, he was the spitting image of his father. I smile with the pitter-pattering of little feet coming down the stairs. Suddenly, I feel a pair of small arms wrap around my legs.

"Hi, mommy..." I look down and see my sleepy little boy looking up at me smiling. Scooping him up in my arms he giggles wrapping his arms around my neck. Savannah takes him for my arms and plops him down at the breakfast table, helping scoop eggs, bacon, fruit, and pancakes onto his plate. The twins barrel down the stairs less than five minutes later holding hands.

"Good morning James, good morning Emma don't forget to grab a fruit. I'm talking to you, Emma." The twins laugh but stop when Savannah smugly soops fruit onto their plates.

"Eat up you little turkeys." Emma sticks her tongue out at her sister.

"Emma! Be nice to your sister or I'll make you eat more fruit." I tease my daughter making Emma whine before she starts putting fruit in her mouth.

"Aw, don't be so hard on her hun she's only seven." Adam husky morning voice chuckles as he enters the kitchen. 

"Yes well, seven-year-olds ought to know better." Adam stretches and leans over for a kiss.

"Well as her father figure I say she gets a pass."

"As her mother and your wife I'm here to tell you you're not allowed to do that." He leans in for another kiss but I jokingly shove him away.

We eat breakfast together as a family, just enjoying the day but that all ends when my phone starts ringing. Adam and I share a look as I move away from the breakfast table to answer it. I slip into my office and shut my barn doors that seal my office from the kitchen where my family was happily eating breakfast.


"Amelia, long time no speak." Marcel's voice filters through the speaker. My blood runs cold and I prepare myself for a long and awkward conversation.

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