I've got a radar for trouble and you're a renegade

526 7 9

Vijay reflects, and shares a moment with Penny.

Requested by @xTaddelx

A/N: OKAY so I got like four prompts all within the span of three days, and almost all of them involved season 2. I have NOT yet watched season 2 bc I've been traveling, but I'm going too soon!! so once I do, I'll do the prompts because they're all amazing!! but that's why I'm doing this one rn.

title is from 'I like (the idea of) you' by Tessa Violet. now onto the fic (which takes place between episode 6 and 7)

The day is sunny and warm.

The waterfall is loud as he sits on the rocks overlooking the rushing water. He had stripped his jacket and thrown it into a pile along with Pennys sweater and shoes.

Penny, who was currently sitting beside him, their hands just close enough to touch.

They hadn't really talked about the kiss. Or talked, at all. They had started meeting at the waterfall whenever they were both free and mostly just splashed around in the water or laid sunbathing on the rocks. He knew things had been stressful for her lately, with things going on with her family. He wanted to let her relax.

Vijay sighed and looked up at the sky. It was hard to believe the planet was dying when it all looked so ... normal.

Earth was dying, and the sky was alway grey and the air hard to breath. This planet — that they hadn't even bothered to name — was about to be burned and here they were, soaking up sunlight like cats.

When Penny had first told him about the blackhole, he didn't know what to think. Yeah, he had faced the fear of death before. He had signed up to be a colonist, after all. But he had trained to be a colonist, trained for the situations you'd have to face as one. Being sucked into a blackhole wasn't one of them, because if you're getting pulled into one, there's no way out.

It didn't really matter, though, because his dad was gonna get the fuel so they could get out of here.

He heard shuffling beside him, and glanced over at Penny to see her stealing her sweater from the pile. His heart clenched when he thought she was going to put it back in and leave, but she just made a pillow out of it and laid down.

He copied her movements with his coat, but just as he out his head down —

"Ow, you're on my hair!"

Vijay shot up, and Penny chuckled. He watched her tuck her braid in her shirt before patting the ground beside her. Slowly, he laid back down.

And they were back to not talking.

The clouds moved. A faint breeze rustled the trees. And he couldn't stop staring at Penny Robinson.

She had closed her eyes in bliss, letting the warm sunlight shine on her face. It reflected in her hair and, in his eyes, made her look a little bit like a goddess.

It was also scary, how much he, well, liked her. She was funny, and quick-witted. She loved her family but was overshadowed by her older sister and younger brother. He wished they had known each other longer — back on Earth, doing normal teenage things instead of waiting around to see if they would die in next few days.

He didn't even know that much about her. They had a met a few weeks ago, he realized with shock. Wasn't that weird to think about.

He was startled from his thoughts by Penny flicking his face.

"Quit thinking so loud." She said with a grin.

"Oh." He said. "Sorry."

Her smile fell. "I'm joking. No need to apologize." A pause. "What were you thinking about, though? You looked like you were in there pretty deep."

"Oh, uh, nothing." He stammered. She lifted an eyebrow at that in a way that said 'yeah, good try, loser.'

"Tell me." She said with a hint of a whine in her voice. "Tellllll me!"

"Well, uh ... " He trailed off. Penny nudged him, silently telling him to finish his thought. "I just realized we don't know a lot about eachother."

The young Robinson was quiet for a moment. "Huh, we don't. Does that bother you?"

"I mean, no. Not really." He answered, staring very intently up at the sky even though the sun was burning his eyes right now. "But it's a bit odd to think about."

A pregnant silence engulfed them, Penny having stilled. Then, she spoke up.

"Well, my middles name Roberta."

"Roberta?" He said in disbelief. That was, well, not what he was expecting.

"I know it's dumb." She said defensively, glancing away as if embarrassed.

"It's not dumb." He said quickly. "Just different."

Penny snorted, and rolled her head back to stare at him. "My sisters is Elana. And Wills is Edward."

"Very old fashioned."

"I know." Penny exclaimed. "That's what I keep saying!"

He laughed, then said "Mines just Victor. After my dad."

"Hmm, okay." Penny hummed, then her face contorted in thought. "So, we got middle name out of the way. What else, what else ... oh! I use to be in Girl Scouts when I was like, six. Your turn."

Vijay smiled. Despite the sun beating down on them, days away from certain death with his father who-the-hell-knows where collecting their only means of escape, here he was, chatting away with the girl he liked next to, frankly, a pretty beautiful waterfall.

This was okay.

A/N: anyway so as soon as I watch season 2 I'm gonna do those prompts I'm so excited to write some of them.

Danger, Will Robinson {Lost in Space 2018 One-Shots}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang