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Maureen and John are...very lost.

Requested by _Yuki_Amimo_

A/N. First request! The request was a little vague so I went with what I had. I hope you like it and thank you.

"Maureen, we're lost."
      At those words Maureen Robinson froze, looking over her shoulder at John. He stood a little ways behind her in the forest, looking defeated. Maureen turned around fully to face him.
"We're not lost, we just a got bit turned around that's all." She said, beginning to walk again. John sighed.
      On the way back was Wantanabe ship, their Chariot broke down. Well, didn't break down, so to speak. One of the wheels fell off. Maureen guessed Penny hadn't put it on tight enough while doing a check-up a few days back.
      While driving in the forest, the wheel flew off into the trees. The Chariot had lurched and rocked before slightly tilting on it's side. When the two had climbed out, they saw the wheel and began to search.
      They searched in the general area, before going farther out. Then farther. Then farther before they walked to far and lost sight of The Chariot. They had tried to get back to it, but after twenty minutes of walking, John had realized it only took five to get out there in the first place.
"Maureen, we've been walking for 20 minutes and haven't found the Chariot. We've been going the wrong way." He said again, not moving.
Maureen this time stopped, turned around again and walked over to him. "Well, what do you propose, then?"
      John stared at her, thinking, then dropped to his knees. He picked up a stick from the ground and drew a long compass rose in the dirt. He then picked up two rocks and scratched them against the tree. They left two long dusty-white lines on the bark. He handed one of the rocks to Maureen.
"Okay. I'll go north, you go south. Every tree you see, mark it with the stone. Once you've been walking for around 20 minutes without seeing The Chariot, turn around and follow the marks back. Wait for the other person at the compass." He said.
Maureen nodded. "Okay, and if we find the Chariot?"
"We com eachother." He held up his wrist, showing her him com. She showed him her own. They nodded at eachother, turned around and began to walk.
      John stretched out his arm and began to mark his trees. In the meantime, he watched the fauna of this strange new world. Above him, a small, pink, incest flew around. It had four wings that twirled together like a claw as it danced through the air. It passed on by.
      That's when John stopped walking and looked up. A crowd of the pink incests flew by, including some other bugs he hadn't seen before. He heard crackling of the wings as they flied. He smiled softly and continued.
      Walking along, he shifted uncomfortably in his suit. Had it just gotten hotter here? He was going to stop and take his jacket off but didn't want to risk putting his rock down and losing it. He continued walking.
      He heard more crackling and looked up, searching for the bugs when he blinked, realizing he couldn't see the branches above him, or the sky, clearly. He took a breath and realized.
      He turned. Through the trees, he saw a raging fire coming at him. He turned and ran, dropping his rock as he brought his com up to his mouth. He pressed the button and began speaking.
"Maureen, Maureen! Do you come in?!" He shouted.
'Just John, what is it?' She replied. Her voice sounded slightly worried and also slightly annoyed.
"There's a forest fire coming from the direction I was going. Start running the way you were going!"
'Should I wait for you?'
"No, just go!"
     He started running, hearing the fire behind him again. He heard a cry of an unknown animal and the crash as branches fell down. His breathing become heavy as smoke filled the air. He blinked back the water coming from his eyes.
     Suddenly, he ran into a tall object. He cried out and jumped back, and the other figure cried out as well.
"John!" Maureen shouted.
"Maureen, I told you to run!" He shouted back. Before waiting for an reply, he grabbed her hand and was about to run when the flame grew.
      It rushed in front of them in the span of a blink, growing higher. John took a few steps back.
"We're trapped!" Maureen said.
"No, not yet." He grabbed her hand and pulled her over to one of the last standing trees. He grabbed onto the lowest branch and pulled himself on, then gave out a hand to her. She took it and he pulled her up.
      They did again with the next branch, and the next until they were as high above the flames as they could. He push his back against the truck while Maureen leaned over the branch, looking for help. He jumped as the lower tree branches broke and fell into the flames.
This is it, He thought. This is where I die.
"John, what about the kids? What will happen to them when we die!?" Maureen shout in a slight panic. She was staring at the flames with wide eyes.
      John was going to tell her they weren't going to die, but unless rain came now, then they were toast. Literally. Instead, he said "It's..okay. They've got The Robot, and the Wantanabe's would probably take them. Judy's legally an adult now, you know." He said, trying to calm her. The truth is he was freaking out inside to, not just about the kids but about Maureen and himself and The Jupiter and even the The Robot.
      When they died out here....what would become of everyone else?
     A loud beep startled his thoughts, and he looked around for the source. Maureen heard too, and stopped her hysterics to look around.
      Just then, a Chariot burst into the clearing under their tree. He felt himself nearly cry with joy. Maureen started yelling to it "Hey, up here! Help us!"
     John saw the drivers door open slightly. He was surprised when he saw that the driver who leaned out of the seat to greet them was Judy.
"Mom! Dad! Can you get down?" She called up. John put his leg down on the branch below them, which promoperly split in half and tumbled down. Judy stared it, at them, then turned to the backseat of The Chariot and started talking.
"Hi guys!" Penny leaned out the window from the back, before being pulled in by a grumbling Judy.
"Please hurry!" John shouted.
"I'm trying!" Came Will's defeated scream from the backseat. That's when John finally noticed the The Robot gripping the back of The Chariot. Will was trying to open the door, but The Robot was holding the door close, saying "Danger, Will Robinson".
"You know what, never mind." Judy stepped outside, carefully avoiding the fire, and going to the back of The Chariot. She grabbed something out of John's veiw.
"Be carful!" Maureen shouts. John craned his near, trying to get a sight of Judy.
      Maureen was shaking slightly, trying to see Judy. She came into view again, holding a small box. She placed it under the tree, and hit something on the side.
    Suddenly, a metal ladder jumped out. John reached over and grabbed the top, pulling it over to the branch,
"Go, quickly!" John said. He gently pushed Maureen down the branch to where the ladder sat.
      She began to climb, when she was halfway down, John began. He was breathing heavy from the smoke, and his sweaty hands nearly lost their grip on the ladder. Finally, his foot hit the ground, and he was speeding to the driver's seat.
     He got in and slammed the door. Maureen was in the passengers seat, and the kids crammed in the back.
"It's this thing fireproof?" John asked.
"We survived the way here, so I'm going to go with yes!" Penny exclaimed.
John turned The Chariot around, and they sped off.

A/N. Sorry if the characters are out of character. I'm use to just writing about OC's.

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