You can let go, you know

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After a close call with the creature from the forest, The Robot is slightly on edge.

Requested by @ShellsByTheShore.

A/N: Sorry this took so long! I've had like ten project things going on and May is a very busy time for me. Sorry again. Also, this is kinda an AU that the planet was never dying so the survivors started to settle and stuff. Also, the Robot never died.

Just a nice stroll through the woods in an alien planet.
      John, Maureen, Dr.Smith, Judy, Penny, Will and The Robot were all trudging through the woods, swatting off incests and making sure not to draw unwanted attention from wildlife.
      Every Jupiter had been assigned a job for that day. Jupiter 4 had to search for lost materials on Jupiter crash sights. Jupiter 6 had to sort the remaining food and water equally between family's. Jupiter 2? Looks for a fresh water source.
      It had been almost two months (at least, they think so. Kinda hard to tell time here since so one thought to bring an calendar) since all the Jupiter's crashed. They were okay for a little while, but were now starting to run out of food and water. The Robinsons, plus Dr.Smith, were in charge of finding a new source of water so the survivors could finally settle down around it.
     Right now, it didn't seem like they were close.
"Dad, can we rest?" Penny asked.
"Only a little bit longer." John replied.
"Pleaseeeeee?" She whined.
John stopped walking, and sighed. "Fine, but only for a few minutes. It's been hours and we still haven't found anything."
      Penny flopped down on a log, over-dramatically sighing. Will sat down beside her, with The Robot following to stand behind him, it's fave still a shade of blue. Judy looked at her siblings for a moment before sitting down on the log as well, making it jiggle a bit.
"Don't get too comfy." Maureen warned her children. Dr.Smith glanced at her, before deciding to sit down at the base of a tree, also sighing a bit.
      The group sat there for a minute, resting and catching their breath. Even John, despite never admitting it, was tired of walking for hours. Maureen surveyed the group, before taking a water bottle out of her backpack and taking a small sip.
      Will had turned around on the log to face The Robot, and began trying to teach to teach it 'Rock, paper, scissors'.
"So, you make your hand into a fist, like this. That is rock. Paper is your hand straight out like this. Scissors is your two fingers like this, like scissors. See?" Will said, demonstrating to The Robot. The Robot was watching the young boy, but didn't seem to be focusing on it. It just stared blankly, the lights inside its face swirling. Even when Will continued, it didn't seem to react.
"Scissors beats paper, paper beats rock and rock beats scissors." Will said. "On the count of three, you make one of the objects. To win, you must get the..the stronger object, I guess. So if I made rock, but you made paper, you would win."
      The Robot didn't show any signs that it heard.
"Will, he's not listening." Penny elbowed her brother, flicking her head towards The Robot. Will looked up at The Robot, who still hadn't move.
"I think he is." Will replied. Penny snorted.
"No, he's just being creepy." She said jokingly. However, nervousness edging its way into her voice.
      The two began to bicker softly in the way only brothers and sisters can, while Judy snickered at them. The adults watched them, shaking their heads while smiling softly.
Suddenly, The Robot spoke up, making everyone freeze.
"Danger, Will Robinson."
John was silent for a moment as everyone stared at The Robot. However, he snapped into action. "Kids, Smith, get up. We're leaving."
      Judy, Penny and Will jumped off the branch, while Smith got up from her place on the ground. Maureen slung her backpack over her shoulder and, not even meaning to, moved closer to her kids. John turned to Will "Any chance you can get him to tell us where the danger is?" John asked.
Will nodded, then turned to the Robot, who had followed him over to his dad "Where is the danger?" Will asked. The Robot didn't respond, just stared off into the trees.
Then a large crash was heard.
"Run!" John shouted, and the group bolted into the trees.
      The kids, instinctively, followed Maureen, running the way they had come. John and Dr.Smith veer a little to the left, but joined back up with them. The Robot, of course, followed Will behind him.
       Will, who was the last one in the pack beside The Robot, tried to look over his shoulder at where the crash was heard. However, he wasn't watching where he was going, and his foot caught a loose tree root.
      He went sprawling to the ground, grass staining his pants and dirt rubbing on his face. As he hit the ground, he let out a small 'ow'.
"Danger, Will Robinson." The Robot said again.
"Will!" Maureen shouted. She stopped and turned around to go after her son, however, she gasped slightly.
"Hey!" Will protested.
      The Robot had scooped Will up from the ground, holding the boy tight against its chest like a baby. Will was squirming, telling The Robot to put him down.
     Maureen couldn't help but giggle slightly, before remembering how much danger they were in. She heard another crash and began running again, hoping The Robot would follow her.
She heard its heavy footsteps, and knew it was following them.
"Mom, where are we going?" Penny shouted to her mother when she caught up with the group. Another crash and roar sounded, louder this time, making Maureen gulp.
"We can hide in a cave." Judy repeated. She was pointing in some general direction east. Maureen could see above the tree line that there was a mountain.
"Good idea." John veered right as the creature following them roared again. Will had stopped squirming in The Robots hands and just accepted it, however he look pretty annoyed.
     They reached the base of the cliff, closer then Maureen thought it was, and spied a small cave by a large river, the river connecting to a small lake, then further up a waterfall. Maureen made a mental note for water, but didn't dewell on it as she shoved everyone inside the cave,
     When Smith, Penny and Judy were inside, The Robot stepped up, still holding Will.
"You have to put him down." John said. The Robot glared at him-somehow, even though it didn't have a face-as another crash sounded. The creature had almost broke the tree lines. Once it didn't have to push past the flora, nothing would stop it.
"You know what, whatever. Maureen, get on in." John said.
"But Will--" She began.
"Is fine." He cut her off.
      Maureen snorted, but reluctantly climbed inside beside Dr.Smith. John then climbed in beside Judy.
      Finally, The Robot squeezed in, having its back facing out into the sunlight, blocking it and making it very dark inside. It was still holding Will, who was desperately trying to get out of its grip.
      Everyone, however, froze when they heard the crashing of trees fall over and the creature stomp past.
     A shadow fell over the cave, blocking out the little sunlight from the door. They heard the creature snort, roar again and walk away.

      When it left, everyone simantaminlsy let out a breath. Maureen's shoulder sagged and she peered through the darkness at her family.
     Judy and Penny had crowded together, but when the creature left, broke apart. Dr.Smith had stayed beside her, hugging her knees while watching The Robot (which had essentially acted as a door) who still contuined to hold Will. John was glancing around, mostly at The Robot and Will. Finally, Maureen spoke up.
"We should get back to camp." Maureen said.
     John nodded, or at least she thought it was a nod, and he turned to the Robot.
However, The Robot must have understood them, as it back out of the cave and stood up. Maureen and John followed suit, then Dr.Smith, Judy and Penny.
"I'm going to go check this water quickly. You guys wait here." John said. He jogged towards the rivers edge while Maureen turned to the Robot. It had its arm crosses, with Will pressed against its chest. Will's own arms was flopped over its crossed arms and his legs dangled in the air . Maureen couldn't help be reminded of a child holding its teddy bear.
"You can out him down now. We're safe now." Maureen said as John jogged up again, saying something about the water being fresh.
      The Robot looked at Maureen with more emotion Maureen thought was possible for a being with only lights for a face. Will sighed "Good try, mom, but I've told him already. I don't know what's going on."
     John studied The Robot, and Maureen glanced at her husband. He was frowning, but then turned around.
"Well, let's go. Hopefully we can make it back before nightfall and tell everyone about the water." John said. He began walking, and Maureen followed him.
     Judy and Penny, who had been waiting quietly off to the side, began walking behind her, and Smith behind Penny. Finally, The Robot, who had been standing still, spurred into motion, and began walking. Will was frowning, but as Maureen looked back at him, she saw the corner of his mouth turn up into a small smile.
     Maureen turned back as they enter the forest, smiling to herself.

A/N: I hope I did this prompt justice because I loved it.

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