Love Interest

632 8 5

John embarrasses himself in front a pretty brunette with a baby at the supermarket. He gets her number.

Requested by @MEmilie3

A/N: I am (very slowly) making my way through all these prompts!! thanks for all the suggestions btw.

the requester just wanted something w/ John and Maureen, so I hope this is okay.

also, I've watched like three episodes of season 2!!! Doctor Smith is really back on her bullshit huh

The supermarket lights are humming quietly, casting an eerie glow in the supermarket. Faintly, John can hear the 'beep' of the barcode scanner, from the one, lone open till. Through the open windows, the night sky is dark and vast, with only a few twinkling stars illuminating it.

He feels like he's in the beginning of a horror movie.

Honestly, he didn't like going grocery shopping this late, but he had been working today. Matthew — his landlord — had raised the cost again for, apparently, no reason. And he would have gone after work, but his boss needed him to stay late and help set up something for tomorrow. By the time he got out, it was pitch black.

He turned the corner into the cereal aisle, blowing a sigh of frustration. The speakers were playing some weird funky hip hop song he didn't know the name of or even recognize.  He had to give it credit, though. It did get stuck in your head.

The entire store was empty, with only him, two other customers, and one cashier who looked like a zombie. He scanned the shelves for edible cereal. Something healthy, not the kind marketed towards kids with rainbows plastered on the front and enough sugar to make your teeth fall out.

The song kept playing, so he absent-mindedly tapped his foot along to the beat. He blinked exhaustion from his eyes. God, he was tired. Work had been a pain today. His boss Martin was dick, and he always ended up working with inexperienced teenagers, or older people who should not be working.

He started to hum along. The song was catchy.

"Excuse me? I need to get to that box."

He was startled from his thoughts to see a young woman with a  shopping cart standing beside him, no doubt waiting for him to move. She had light brown hair tied up in a ponytail, and that kind of face that friendly and easy to talk to. He noted the obvious exhaustion creeping up under her eyes, but John had to admit she looked pretty.

There was a baby carrier in the cart, with a bundle of blankets in it, which he could only assume had a baby under it. The rest of the woman's groceries were stacked around it.

He mumbled an apology and moved over. She gave him a tight-lipped smile and took his previous place in front of the cereal boxes.

He realized he hadn't grabbed anything yet.

"Excuse me, could you, uh, grab that for me? I can't reach it."

She pointed up on the shelf, to a boxs of Cheerios on the top most shelf. Ah, no wonder he couldn't find it. The lady looked around 5'5 at most, and she couldn't reach. "Yeah, sure."

He grabbed the box and handed it to her. She put it in her cart, nestled next to the carrier. Under the blankets, he saw movement and turned. He watched as a tiny face squirm from under the fabric to open its eyes for a moment, before settling back down again.

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