finally I'm right where I should be (Don x Reader)

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[Y/N] is stuck on the ship with the Robinson and talks with Don about the fact that they're stuck (seemingly forever) on some weird alien water planet. It goes better then expected.

Requested by XSilentStatic

A/N: I'm,,,,, trying an Xreader?? I've never done these before so like uh,, feedback?? please??

title from "Woody Allen" by AJR.

btw thank y'all for your patience. school is dumb but exams are almost over yay!! and uh side note but the requester for this chapter also has a LiS one shot book you should check out lmao

I've also finished season two so : ))) I'm crying.

GUIDE (gender neutral reader)
[Y/N] - Your Name

[Y/N] didn't like the ocean. Never had.

Yes, they liked swimming. They swam in the lake by their cottage when they were a kid, back when Earth was habitable. But they didn't like the ocean. It was deep, cold more often the not, and who the hell knew what was lurking down there.

They thought they would never have to see the ocean and all of its freaky creatures again. Now, they were stuck on alien planet with an alien ocean all alone without any hope of getting back to the Resolute.

Well, not all alone. They were with the Robinsons, Don and Dr Smith. They loved the Robinsons. Maureen and John were like second parents, and the kids acted like their younger siblings.

Yet the "doctor" had been getting on people's nerves lately. She was locked up it one of the spare storage room, and they were forced to interact with her whenever she was fed. Will refused to talk to her, and Maureen couldn't go into the room without getting into an argument. [Y/N], John and Penny took turns giving her food and water.

(Penny did it most of the time because she seemed the only one who could stand Smith.)

Even beside that, everyone had been bothered. They had been on this planet for a few months, and they were no closer in getting the alien engine working. There was no substitute for fuel on their tiny stretch of beach. Will was grieving for the Robot, and the stress was getting to Maureen and John, in turn affecting the kids.

They were stuck here. Forever.

[Y/N] was currently in their room, staring out their tiny window to the gravelly beach and cold water. The waves were lapping at roughly at the shore, taking rocks and sand back with it. Off the coast, grey clouds were brewing in the sky, signalling a storm was on its way.

Their room was small, a make-shift bed and a few random assortments they had gathered — a few flowers, a few rocks. You know. Trinkets. They were laying on their bed right now, face buried in their hands. Their mind was racing as they thought about their current situation.

However, footsteps startled them from their thoughts. They removed one of their hands to see Don standing in their doorway. He looked concerned at them, but [Y/N] only titled their head quizzicality at him.

"What are you ... doing." He asked. They snorted.

"Just thinkin'." They sighed, and flopped back down. "We're never getting off this planet, are we?"

Don chuckled, and it made their stomach do a weird flip. "Don't remind me."

[Y/N] ... liked Don. A lot. In a completely different way then they liked the Robinsons. Every time they were with him their face heated up and butterflies appeared in their stomach and they couldn't look him in the eye. They didn't like to think about it.

"It's just ... we have no idea what's out there, do we? There's just the weird alien ocean and gravelly sand." They stared out the window again, avoiding Dons gaze.

"At least there's no actual aliens to worry about." Don said.

"Yeah." They said softly. Slowly, they dragged their eyes to Dons face. He was smiling at them, but ducked away when their eyes met. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh. Uh, I finished some repairs below deck." He said.

"Hmm." They hummed. "It seems like this ship is alway needing repairs."

"Well, she's been through one hell of a lot." Don patted the doorframe for emphasis, and they giggled, making him smile. Don had a thing where he was ... very overprotective of machines.

With a groan, [Y/N] sat up, swinging their legs off their bed as if to get up. "Is there anything anyone needs me to do?"

"No." Don said.

"Oh, why'd you come here then?" They said. "Sorry, that sounded snappy."

Don smiled. "It's alright. There's been a lot going lately."

"You could say that again." They sighed, and dropped their head into their hands and let out a thirty second groan. They heard shuffling and someone walking, slightly rushed, over to them.

"Hey, hey, hey! [Y/N]! Are you okay?" Don now crouched in front of them with a worried expression on their face. With him right there, they could feel the warmth radiating off him, and the room felt much much smaller.

They studied his face. They studied the rugged stubble dusting over his cheekbones. The way his brown eyes turned amber in light. How his hair was curled on his forehead in an almost boyish way.

They were fucked.

"You didn't answer my question." They said, barley a whisper.

"What question?"

"Why'd you come by my room?"

Dons gaze flickered over their face. For a second, they thought it lingered on their lips. "Can't I just come and see you?"

They didn't know when the two of them had suddenly become to close. The space between their bodies was only a few inches, but it seemed like miles. Slowly, they closed their eyes, not daring to look at his face. They felt a much larger, warmer hand engulf their own.

"[Y/N] — "

Their eyes shot open, suddenly, when a flashing light started behind their eyelids. They both jumped back and rushed to the window to see many large lighting bolts strike deep into ocean.

They had seen the lighting before. It had happened every month since they got here — Maureen had yet to figure out why. But this time was different then all the other times. This time, they were with Don, shoulders knocking into eachother and breaths mingling.

"Wow." Don muttered. They glanced at him. The white light was bathing his dark face in an eerie, almost unearthly, glow. He looked beautiful.

"It's wonderful." They agreed. Don turned to them.


"Yeah?" They turned to look at him. They were so close their noses brushed. Don smiled softly at then, all warm colours and open eyes, and they smiled back.

In the flashing light of an alien planet, they kissed.

A/N: idk why the ocean became a focal point in this?? so don't ask

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