You're all I have left, now

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After tragedy strikes, an older Will Robinson comes to a dreading realization. The Robot just wants to help.

Requested by @Musicology167

A/N: Hi! It's been awhile. Anyway, I hope this is okay. If it's not, well, take this terrible fluff with a hint of angst.

It was a sunny day when they lost her.
Judy, well, Judy was the doctor. The one expected to live the longest. The oldest and most wise. The one that didn't do stupid things. The one that was going to save people for the entirety of her long, simple life.
It wasn't suppose to be like this, her body mangled by the monster in the forest. The thing hadn't even bothered them for years, after they drove it away with bullets and fire.
But Judy had walked to far away, with no one with her and no one knowing where she went, and was killed for it.
(They named it The Mangler)
It was a sunny day when they told him.
Will hadn't believed it at first. He had been sitting calmly, having just finished his archery practice. The Robot was standing beside him, making soft whirring noise as it surveyed the camp. When a few other citizens came to tell him, he didn't say anything. Just stared at them.
Maureen had gone first. Cancer. Due to the primitive technology on the planet (which they had named 'Début', French for beginning), they hadn't caught it before it was too late. She slipped into death peacefully, content with her life while her family surrounded her.
John went soon after her. Walked into the forest one day and didn't come back. They say he got eaten, or fell off a cliff. They never found a body.
That just left the children. Judy took the best care of her younger siblings, but it wasn't enough. Penny became reckless, irresponsible. Dropping her writing dreams, she became a solider to go fight the creatures. She died fending off the monster from the camp, but it didn't mean anything. Judy was killed by it anyway.
There was only one Robinson left now. Will.
That's how he found himself sitting on his bed, now the only human occupant of the Jupiter 2, talking with the Robot.

"It's just, I'm alone now. I'm the last Robinson, and I want to keep my family's blood line going, but I don't like anyone in the camp. I don't even want kids, or want to do that...stuff! Besides, not like there's anyone my age here."
Will sighed. The Robot, which he called Ro as a nickname, just stared, unmoving expect for its lights. After knowing Ro for more then 10 years, Will had got pretty good at processing what it was trying to say. However, right now, it was still.
He sighed again. "I'm sorry. You're not use to these things. I mean, you're a robot."
It stared blankly, and Will suppressed a shiver. Whenever the Robot got like this, it usually meant it was scanning the surrounding area, which usually meant something bad was happening.
Trying to clear the mood, Will laughed "I doubt that you even think about those things."
More blank stares.
Will blew a raspberry, suddenly feeling very awkward under Ros gaze. The only sound in the room being its soft mechanical humming and Wills breathing, making every move he made sound a million times louder.
Will looked around the room, admiring the various baubles he had strung around the room. After a few minutes, he realized he was kinda hungry, so he decided to go grab a snack.
"I'm gonna go grab something from the kitchen. I'll, uh, be right back—" As he stood up, however, that's when The Robot decided to move.
Quickly, it shot forward (faster then it should be able too) to grab Wills arm and pull him back down onto the bed. Will landed with a soft thump, wrinkling the duvet even more and making him furrow his brow his confusion and a small bit of annoyance.
"All right, fine—"
"Danger, Will Robinson."
Will froze at those three words. Over the course of the years, The Robot had only ever said five words. Danger, Will, Robinson, Protect and Friend. Nothing else, nothing more.
Will blinked in shock. The Robot still hadn't let go of his arm, and didn't look like it was going to anytime soon, However, it also didn't look like it was going to pick him up, drag up halfway across the ship and lock him in the storage room, like it usually did when something dangerous was around.
"What's going on? Where's the danger?" Will asked, panic rising up in his throat. What if the monster was back? What if—
The Robot, instead, shoved Will back slightly. Not hard enough to hurt, but enough to make him flop backwards with an 'oof'. When he tried to sit up again, ready to question Ro on why the heck did you just do that, it leaned over and put a hand on his chest, stopping him from moving.
"Danger, emotional instability."
Will gaped, unsure of what he just heard. Ro had just said two new words. He said Will was emotionally unstable. "I—what, uh. I don't, have, uh. I'm not. Excuse me, what?"
Ro stared at him, pale blue lights flickering inside its face, soothing somehow, though Will didn't care to admit it. "Will Robinson, emotional instability."
"I'm not emotionally unstable!" Will excalmied. Ya, sure, all his family just died in the span of 3 years and he was sad about it and Mr. Naoko had said he most likely has depression and—oh.
Will stopping struggling and flopped back down. Ro, seemingly content that he wasn't going to bolt, released its hand and stood back up, its spine clicking into place as it straightened to its full height. Despite Will having grown a bit in the past years, Ro still towered over him. Right now, it blocked out the light from the bulbs above, casting a large shadow over the boy.
"Stay." It said. Will huffed as it lumbered over to his chair in the corner of the room and picked up his moms old blanket he kept strung across it. It came back over, and slowly draped the blanket over Will.
Huffing again, Will pushed his face into his pillow, blush rising on his cheeks as Ro stared at him, as if saying 'go to sleep for more then 4 hours. I know you haven't been getting the full 12.'
(Well, maybe not exactly that, but close to it.)
Ro came to stand at the end of his bed, staring out into the hallway. Will remembered when he first found the Robot, and how his dad made it stand outside when he slept, but it never did. Will almost laughed, a smiling bubbling on his lips.
He turned away and tugged the blanket up more, closing his eyes as he dreamed about his family.
(He would later tell Ro that it had been in it, too.)

A/N: I headcanon Will as Asexual Aromantic and you can pry it out of my cold, dead hands.

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