Fight Back

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When John, Judy and Penny are trapped by the creatures, Will calls The Robot to save them. However, a few difficulties follow.
(Set during the ending of episode 5)

A/N: Hello friends hope you enjoy sorry if it's bad. Also, sorry if I didn't get the dialogue/scene quite right. Please correct it for me if you know the correct script.

Will stared in horror as John pushed Judy and Penny behind him to face the creatures. The three were taking small steps backwards as the creature destroyed the tent and roared. Will saw Penny and his father talking, but couldn't hear from his place in the ship.
Dr.Smith's hands gripped his shoulders as she watched. Will spared a glance to look up at her. She was frowning, eyebrows furrowed. Suddenly, she looked at Will.
"Will, call The Robot." She said.
Will looked back at his family. The creature still struggled with the tent around its head, but he knew it wouldn't be long until it got lose. Will opened his mouth to reply, and in a very shaky voice said "I can't."
"Yes, you can." Dr.Smith said "It's inside you. Call The Robot, your family needs you."
Will looked out the window at his family, at Dr.Smith, then at his family again. He took a deep breath.


Meanwhile, deep in the woods, The Robot stood, staring at the wall.
It didn't know why Will had left it here, in the cave. It also didn't know why that woman from the ship had come in with the gun it had made for Will, pointed at him, said a few words, then left.
However, it did know that in the distance, some had turned a very bright light on, then shut it off again.
Suddenly, it felt a twinge in its head. It took a moment to process what it meant, but it took a guess.
Ether it was malfunctioning..or Will was calling it.
It took the second option as the correct one, and turned and started to walk. The twinge had been in the back of its head, so it started walking south, towards the ship.
As it got closer, it realized the twinge calling it back was stronger and more controlling, almost desperate. The Robot quickened its pace, cracking twigs and sending bugs in its waking.
In the distance, it saw the faint red light of the barrier fence. It remembered when it had put one in the ground by the ship. The post had been green then, and it remembered that green meant it was on and working. Red meant it was off.
The closer The Robot got to the ship, the more clearer its command got.
Save them.


Will felt his breathing speed up as the creature turned towards his family, moving slowly. Dr.Smith seemed barley unnerved by it, but she was probably in shock. Will gasped as the creature opened its mouth and let out a roar...just as a large, black and blue blur sped past and toppled it over to where the tent use to stand.
The Robot turned to look at John, Judy and Penny, who stared back with open mouths and wide eyes. Will whooped, making The Robot turn to him. It stared at him through the glass, it's face a clam shade of blue. Dr.Smith smiled a bit. Outside, the other people were gasping and staring in shock. Someone screamed.
Suddenly, stomping and roaring was heard. Everyone tore their gaze away from The Robot as a second creature lumbered over the hill. The Robot looked at it, then at the first creature it had knocked, who had gotten up and roared.
The second creature lunged at The Robot pinning it, tearing at its metal on it's arms and legs. The Robot shoved it off and gotten up as the first creature jumped on it. It shoved that one off, to.
      John, Judy and Penny turned and ran, but Will was focused on The Robot. It kept backing away and pushing when the creature jumped at it.
"Why isn't he fighting back?" Will asked out loud, not expecting anyone to answer.
Then, he remebered.
He had told The Robot not to hurt any living creature ever again.
      Will tore himself away from Dr.Smith's grip and ran out of the room. He barley heard her shout his name as he thundered through the halls and down the ramp onto the wet grass.
      He ducked behind some crates quickly as The Robot pushed off the creature again. He felt panic well up in his chest, and his voice caught in his throat.
"Fight back." He whispered, putting every once of strength he had into that one command "Fight back."
      The Robot, who was pinned under another creature - Will couldn't even tell which one it was at this point - must have heard him, because it turned its head and looked Will straight in the face as the creature tore through it.
"Fight back, please." He said.
      The Robot looked at Will in confusion, and for a few seconds, it laid on the ground, doing nothing. Then, the blue in its face was replaced by red, and Will shrunk back a bit. The Robot turned back to the creature.
      It gripped the creatures shoulders, and pushed it back as The Robot stood up. It's two arm came from it's back. People were screaming and yelling and backing away, ducking behind boxes and crates. Will himself looked away as The Robot flung one of the creatures. It whined a bit, then went silent.
      Will looked up again and saw the second creature jump at The Robot. Will saw The Robot extended its hand, now a very bright red, and saw it fire a laser at the creature. It hit its shoulder, and it roars, and lumbered foreward. The Robot shot again, hit the other shoulder and pushing it back.
      One more bright flash and the creature fell to the ground, shaking the earth. Behind him, a tent fall. Will smiled slightly, knowing they were safe. He waited for The Robot's extra arms to fold back into its body, and it's face to go back to blue.
But it didn't.
      Will looked at the group of people. They were watching in shock. His mother Maureen had her hands on Judy and Penny head, stroking their hair, while his dad was glancing at window where Dr.Smith watched.
      The Robot stared at the body, before turning to look at the group of people. It was still in its crouched postion, and it's arms were high above its head. People were screaming. It stood like that for a second, staring, until it took a few steps foreward.
      Almost the entire crowd yelled in fear. Will saw a few people dash almost ten meters away before stopping to look. The Robot looked at the crowd, and raised its hand.
"Wait!" Will flung himself foreward, leaving his hiding spot. He heard his mother call his name, but he didn't care.
He just didn't want The Robot to hurt anyone.
      The Robot turned to him, and Will stopped himself from flinching at the bright-red face. Will froze in front of The Robot, not really knowing what to do. How do you clam down an angry robot?
      He glanced at The Robot's hand, which still faced the crowd. The Robot turned fully towards Will, and quickly, Will grabbed The Robots other hand.
"Stop, it's me." He said. The Robot was silent for a moment, before its second pair of arms folded back into its body. Will panted slightly from his run as The Robot began to look for human again. The spikes on its spine disappeared, and it shrunk greatly in size. Finally, it's face turned blue, and Will let out a small sigh.
      For a minute or two, they stood like that. Will watch it's to make sure it's face didn't become red again, but The Robot was calm. Finally, he took away his hand and started walking back towards the ship. "Come on."
Will walked inside the Jupiter with The Robot follow him as people began to mutter.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed sorry if it was bad

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