Our longshot paid off

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If he's being completely honest, this is not what he had expected when going into space. He was just hoping for spaceships and stars — not becoming the focal point of a bunch of alien robots.

Requested by @Mazzamoon

A/N: back from vacation!! it was okay but loud lmao. ready to keep writing because I've KICKED writers block in the FACE.

this is really long, but I loved writing it so it was okay. I used they/them pronouns for all the robots bc I'M nonbinary and say they're too. and, I will admit right now; this prompt got away from me.

title inspired by "Longshot" by Catfish and the Bottlemen

Will Robinson was a friendly boy.

He made small talk and helped out and most people who met him said he was nice. However, he didn't have friends. Kids his age found him awkward, or hard to talk to, or shy, so they didn't make the effort to know him better.

Will Robinson made a friend in space.

When his Jupiter (and many others) crash landed on a deserted planet after the Resolute was attacked, he saved an alien robot from a tree. In turn, the Robot saved him fire and joined the Robinsons in their adventures.

Will Robinson and The Robot, affectionately named Ro, were best friends. They formed an instant connection. Ro made Will braver, more mature, and Will helped Ro become peaceful.

The other Robinsons, including Will, didn't know how far that connection ran.


"Please let me out."

"No, Will Robinson."

The young boy sneered at the robot guarding him. It wasn't Ro, but it looked them. Expect this one had streaks of yellow down its side and was still in its attack form. Will didn't like them.

He couldn't really recall how he'd ended up in this position, anyhow. One minute he was floating through space, having accidentally fallen from the side of the Jupiter after closing the hatch, then the next he woke up in a jail cell guarded by the same aliens as Ro.

It was a shocking difference.

He was surprised when they knew his name, but was more surprised when it seemed he wasn't a prisoner. They gave him food and water, and let him walk around the building sometimes. Right now, however, he was trapped in his little 'bed room', and no amount of pleading with his guard would let him out.

He decided to switch his tactic.

"What's going on? Why can't I go out?" Will asked.

"Danger, Will Robinson." They warned again. Will always wondered how the robots spoke to him. He couldn't see any voice box, or mouth, on them.

He blew a raspberry, thinking.

"What's the danger?" He questioned.

"Electrical fault." The robot answered indifferently. With a sigh, Will returned to his bed and flopped down. It was gonna be a long day.


By the time the danger has 'ended', it's almost night.

Well, whatever night time was in his internal clock. In his room or in the hallways, he had yet to see any windows. He wondered if they were even on a planet, or just a spaceship. The door to his cell-slash-room opened, and he saw the yellow-striped robot standing there, holding something.

Will peered closer, and saw it was a plate with food. The plate looked like a piece of broken metal, and the food resembles rocks more than it did anything edible, but Will took it with a small 'thank you' and started eating.

Danger, Will Robinson {Lost in Space 2018 One-Shots}Where stories live. Discover now