a / n: imporant news i guess

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hey everyone.

so i haven't updated for ,,, awhile to say the least. i apologize for that and not leaving any warning about it. i have about six or so prompts in the queue rn that have all been shelved in favour for some of my other writing projects, and also it's been a bit since season 2 came out and ive kinda of fallen out of the fandom bc of that. there's also the fact that my brain is a Bitch™️ and if i find something new and shiny to be obsess with i just ... loose motivation for all my other interests.

anyways, that was a very convoluted way of saying this book is gonna go on a temporary hiatus.

i will come back! eventually. season 3 is suppose to come out 2021 but idk if i will come back before that. like i said before im currently into different fandoms (The Umbrella Academy ((since season 2 just came out)) and Good Omens ((again, like i did last summer)) atm) and working on different writing projects (my current project rn is a GO fanfic called 'Soldier, Poet, King' and i would love if anyone of you went and read it).

so, once again, im not abandoning this book!! i hate 'abandoning' fics w/out a proper ending, so if i ever WAS going to finish this book i would do like, a long celebratory fic. im getting off topic. so yeah, no abandoning going on here!! just a temporary, indefinite-long hiatus.

however i do want to say thank you to all the comments and support i get on the fics in this book!! it means a lot to me and comments are literally the gateway to a writers heart so if youve ever left a comment here i probably legally owe you my life. so anyways, thank you all so much for the love all these little one-shots get.

im not going to be leaving Wattpad (and i probably never will, theyll have to drag me from this shitty app by my sweater hood) but all my dms glitch like hell for some reason so if you ever want to talk just find my current shitpost book or artbook, or on Amino (im on the AJR, Doctor Who, A-Spec and the Murderbot Diaries aminos under RJam9). i also have an Ao3 account (also RJam9) if you want to read some of my other fics.

anyways that's the end and since i suck at conclusions im just gonna say thanks for reading and have a good day/night/whatever. im gonna go lay in the dirt now.

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