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After Don gets hurt, he wonders why Judy is acting weird.

Requested by @RoseMalfoy2000

A/N: Sorry this took so long! I was on vacation for a week and didn't work on this much. Also, sorry this is extremely dialogue heavy.

Don gasped for breath, pushing the tiny piece of cloth over his wound. A long gash stretched from his left armpit to his hip, bleeding profusely. He leaned against John, who was half-dragging, half-helping him walk back to the camp.
"God damnit, West." John grunted through clenched teeth. "Why are you so heavy?"
Don, through the pain, managed to flash a smirk at the older am. "Sorry." He said in a tone that meant he was not sorry.
Him and John were on a water run when they found a weird looking fruit in a tree—a cross between a apple and orange with yellow colouring like a lemon—and Don decided to climb the tree and get some.
Bad idea number #1.
Then, when the branch had snapped and he had fallen, gaining the wound, he said that they could bandage it up, and continuing on their way.
Bad idea number #2.
When he started to get loopy, ("Don, you're bleeding out." John had said, his voice leaving no room for arguing) John had grabbed him and began to trek back to camp.
Now, as they approached the small half-village, Don was so tired he could barley hold the cloth from Johns pocket against his side. He spotted Will and his creepy-looking Robot playing catch with Will's old ball by the barrier. He sped up and opened his mouth to yell to them, but winced instead as his wound screamed in protest of moving to fast.
"Will!" John cried to his son, saying what Don was going to say.
Will looked up, and his smiling face fell as he saw the two. He pocketed the ball and rushed over, The Robot following him at its usual pace.
"Dad, what happened?" Will asked. He walked beside the pair as they contained to limp towards The Robinsons ship.
"Will, where's Judy?" John asked. Don was struggling to stay conscious, so he didn't even feel uncomfortable by being so close to The Robot. However, he felt something warm stir in his gut.
"At the ship, I'll go tell her." Will said.
Will ran by, The Robot matching his speed. Don squinted at the boy and his machine,  pushing to keep his eyes open. He was vaguely aware of other people around them, watching and mummering.
He didn't know how, but some how he managed to stumble onto the Jupiter 2. The last thing he saw was a pale brown face with a look of worry and dark hair in a tight bun.
"Hey, Princess." He smirked before darkness inwrapped his vision.

He woke up on an bed.
He bolted up. Medical equipment and a chair were at his bedside. Panic coursed through him, adrenaline pounding in his veins. His head was swinging wildly around as the memories suddenly came flooding back. He shook his head, clearing his thoughts, and looked down at his wound.
He was shirtless, and where his wound had been multiple stitches were instead. He brought up his hand to touch them, but a voice intruppeted him.
"They could still hurt. Be carful."
He looked up to see Judy standing in the doorway.
"A little pain won't hurt me, Princess." He said in his usual tone. He pushed in the stitches and sucked in a breath as pain exploded in his side. He heard Judy snort, and bite back a retort.
"Told ya." She said. The young woman walked over and set at the chair beside him, smiling softly. "So, I heard you fell out of a tree?"
"Yep, collecting fruit, to help the camp--hey, don't look at me like that! It's the truth!" He exclaimed. Judy had raised an eyebrow at him.
"Sure you did." She replied. Suddenly, she shook her head. She stood up, and nodded. Don glanced at her worriedly, but she didn't notice. "Glad to see your okay."
"Of course I am, Princess." He bantered.
"Please don't call me that." She said queitly, her eyes flickering down
"Why, will John kill me or something?" He frowned.
"No. I just...don't like being called that." She replied.
"Why? You are one." He said, then smirked. She looked at him with wide eyes.
"You're tricks won't work on me." She said flatly.
"Who said I was tricking you?"
She was silent for a moment, then spun on her heal and walked out.

The days following were tense.
Honestly, Don hadn't expect Judy to just...walk out on him. He flirted with everyone, he had flirted with her before. He hadn't expected her to be so..foreward.
She came to change his bandages and check on him every so often. She only said a few words to him, and when she did, they were short and curt.
When his wound had healed enough, he could leave the ship. He had taken to walking around the forest, to stretch his legs after a week of being in a hospital bed. The camp was too crowded, and The Robot was there too, and that thing kinda freaked him out.
He wouldn't admit it was also he saw Judy around camp a lot, and everytime he saw her he felt his heart do mini explosions in confusion and some other emotion he couldn't explain.
It was one of the days he was walking through the forest when he saw Judy-freaking-Robinson herself sitting in a rock, looking at a small, pink butterfly-like creature spin through the air.
He sucked in a breath, and was tempted to go over there and talk to her. However, if she was here, in the forest, away from the camp, she probably wanted to be alone too. He shoved an odd feeling in his stomach down and turned around to leave, when Judy noticed him.
"Don!" She exclaimed. At her outburst, the creature flew away into the trees. Judy didn't seem to care or even notice.
"Pr--Judy." He said. He cut himself off from saying 'princess', remembering she told him not too. "What are you doing here?"
Judy turned away from him and stared off into the forest again. "I should be asking you the same question."
"Stretching my legs. Getting away from camp." Don shrugged "Now you, since I asked you first?"
"Just going for a walk." Judy said. She turned to look at him again, her curls bouncing as she stared at him was large brown eyes. "Hey, I wanted...I wanted to apologize for my behaviour the last few days." She said queitly.
Don was momentarily taken aback. Judy was apologizing? His hand went to his wound, still tender, as he shuffled over to where Judy sat.
"I-I accept your apology." Don said "But why were you acting so weird?"
Judy opened her mouth to say something, closed it, and looked away at the ground. "I was worried about you. After my dad left for the army-I was worried the rest of my friends and family would leave me. As I grew up me and my friends began to distance, when Will nearly didn't get a spot on the ship--I almost lost it. Here, I tried not to get close to anyone, because I knew anyone could suddenly die here, be it sickness, killed by," Judy shuddered "The Robot, or people like you. Dying of normal causes like blood loss. When we became 'friends' and you gave my a nickname, I was worried you would leave or die on me. Like my father or brother nearly did. When you nearly did die, I tried to distance myself from you, and for that, I'm sorry."
Don blinked in shock. He hadn't expected that answer. To be honest, he didn't know what to expect, but not that.
Judy must have seen his face, but her pretty features merged into something of shock. She stood up, shaking her head "Oh my god. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it like--oh my god. I didn't mean for this to turn into a therapy session. Oh my god, I'll leave now. I'm sorry."
She turned to leave, but Don lunged, making his wound cry out, but he didn't care. He grabbed her wrist, stopping her from walking away. "Judy, wait."
Judy turned to look at him. Their eyes meet, and Don swallowed. "I'm glad you liked me enough to care if I died. I love you, and I'll try not to die anymore, Princess."
God, what was he doing. He couldn't just profess his love to her! Yes, he loved her, he realized that now. He had loved her since they met, but, God! All she said was that they were friends, not that she loved him! He was going to die. He was going to die right here in the middle of the forest on an alien planet and--
Anything he was going to think next was cut off by Judy leaning up and kissing him. He stood there, shocked, before she pulled away and grabbed his hand, smiling.
"I love you too."

A/N: I'm not the best at love scenes since I don't usually write them, so sorry if this was awkward or anything but I hope you enjoyed.

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