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edit on 19/08/20: IMPORTANT NOTICE

this book is is on a temporary hiatus! i will come back eventually (maybe once season 3 is out?) but will not be filling requests or updating anytime soon. DO NOT SEND IN REQUESTS! i will not do them and it makes me very annoyed since i have the fact i don't do request anymore is plastered around.

thanks for understanding! : )







Hello, and welcome to my Lost in Space one-shot book. I don't see many fics around here for Lost in Space so I decided to make this.

I take requests! I can do ships/romance (though I'm not that good at them), xReaders, AUs, fluff, angst, songfics and anything of the sorts. However,
I WILL NOT DO SMUT OR CRACK SHIPS (see below for list before requesting)

things I consider crackships;
-Will / Robot
-Dr Smith / Robot
-Dr Smith / Any Robinson
-Don / Any Robinson (expect for Judy)
-Any Robinson / Robinson (expect for Maureen / John)

Few things to note:
-I will give you credit for the prompt/idea. If you don't want me to just say.
-Life gets in the way sometimes, it might take me a bit to do your prompt
-I am caught up on Season 2, so feel free to submit prompts involving it
-I do not own Lost in Space, it's own by Netflix.
-Fics will range in word count bc my brains a bitch
-Some of these fics were posted a long time ago, so the quality it's worse then more current updates. You have been warned.
-Thank you all so much for 11k views and over 100 likes! It rlly means a lot to me.


Fight Back
When John, Judy and Penny are trapped by the creatures, Will calls The Robot to save them. However, a few difficulties follow.
(Set during the ending of episode 5)

Maureen and John are...very lost.

You can let go, you know
After a close call with the creature from the forest, The Robot is slightly on edge.

After Don gets hurt, he wonders why Judy is acting weird.

You're all I have left, now
After tragedy strikes, an older Will Robinson comes to a dreading realization. The Robot just wants to help.

Falling down, down, down
Will wants to see if his best friend is alive.

Will decides The Robot needs to learn more 'human' things

It's lovely, isn't it?
John and Maureen have a calm night to themselves.

She's in too deep now.

I've got a radar for trouble and you're a renegade
Vijay reflects, and shares a moment with Penny.

Love Interest
John embarrasses himself in front a pretty brunette with a baby at the supermarket. He gets her number.

finally I'm right where I should be (Don x Reader)
[Y/N] is stuck on the ship with the Robinson and talks with Don about the fact that they're stuck (seemingly forever) on some weird alien water planet. It goes better then expected.

You Can Be King
When Will freaks out, his local robot is there to help.

life is not a long song that we like
When Don nearly dies, Judy's forced to rescue him. It works out, though, in the end.

Our longshot paid off
If he's being completely honest, this is not what he had expected when going into space. He was just hoping for spaceships and stars — not becoming the focal point of a bunch of alien robots.

You're working so damn hard (you forgot what you like)
Judy reflects on her relationship with the Robot after it helps her, and learns a thing or two.

Run Boy Run
Will is stuck on the dusty planet, all alone. Trying to survive is difficult, but he's doing his best and waiting for the Resolute to come pick him up.

Meanwhile, on the Resolute, the Robinsons are freaking out, not knowing where Will is. The Robot is trying to help in the only way it knows.

Sometimes I wonder if we matter at all (if we're not written down)
Who will remember, now?
Don and Judy, happily married, find out they're expecting a baby. The tough part, however, comes with telling the other Robinsons.

Run Noses and Running Circles
Penny insists she's fine. Don knows she not.

Danger, Will Robinson {Lost in Space 2018 One-Shots}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora