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Will decides The Robot needs to learn more 'human' things

Requested by @Matt_Theatre

A/N: Sorry that this one is really short! I'm kinda in writers block rn and I found I couldn't do much with this prompt but I hope you enjoy!

      Will sighed, staring at The Robot who stared back, unmoving. Will let his hand drop to his side, uncurling his fist as The Robot titled its head at him like a puppy.
"Alright, Ro." Will held his fist up again "This is a fist bump. It's like a high-five, but instead of hitting your palms together, you...bump your fists."
      The Robot brought its hand up to its face to inspect it. Then, after a moment, it curled it into a first before presenting it too Will. The boy grinned, and quickly bumped his fist against The Robots.
"Hey, you guys coming?" Penny stuck her head out of the Jupiter 2 door. Will nodded.
"Ya, I was just showing Ro something." Will said. Penny snorted and ducked back into the ship, while Will picked up the box of food and started to head inside, Ro following him.


"Okay, so..."
      Will, along with the other Survivors, were gathered around a campfire. Will sat on a thin blanket on the ground, the older people sitting on logs. The Robot stood behind him, having chose to keep standing instead of sitting down. Right now, a thirtyish looking man named Daniel was telling a ghost story, everyones eyes trained on him.
     When Daniel was finished, a woman named Charlotte piped up with her own tale. Will listened contently to listen to the adults (and Penny) talk instead of joining in.
That was, until he noticed The Robot was cocking its head at the whole thing.
      Will had turned to check on it, see if it was still okay with standing there, only too see it titling its head, confused. Will smiled slightly at it.
"They're ghost stories." Will said, turning around fully to face it. The Robot looked down at him "People tell them, I guess. And to freak others out. They usually tell them around a campfire for maximum spookiness." Will explained, gesturing to the campfire in front of him "Honestly, they scare me a bit sometimes. Do you get scared? Oh, stupid question. I doubt you do."
       The Robot looked back at the campfire, and Will turned back around to watch as well. He did notice that The Robot took a few steps closer to him, but didn't mention it.


      Will stared up at the sky, admiring the bright blueness of it and the fluffy clouds that was gently rolling across. Beside him, The Robot stood, ever the protecter, as his dad finished packing his bags.
       Will, and his dad, had been assigned a simple mission to go get some fire wood. However, they'd be gone all day because the camp was nearly out of fire wood. Will complained about how they sent only two people to go, one of which a child, but he knew he was only sent because The Robot would help carry all of it.
("Also because no one wants Ro in the camp" an unhelpful part of his brain supplied)
      His dad was taking forever to pack lunch, so Will sat up from where he had been lounging on the ground and turned to The Robot.
"While we're waiting, how about I show you another game?" Will asked. The Robot immediately turned to him, probably bored waiting for John as well.
"Alright," Will started "It's called patty cake. You clap your hands like this," Will demonstrated. Ro copied him. "Then take your left hand and hit it with the other persons left." Will held his hand out, and after a moment The Robot slowly reached forward to pat his hand "you clap your hands again, then touch your right hand to the other persons right." After Ro and Will did it again, Will grinned "Then you keep repeating!"
      The lights in Ros face sped up a bit and became a bit paler, meaning they were ready to start. They began playing, going a bit slower for The Robot, as Will sang the words.
Finally, John came out of the Jupiter 2. "You two ready?" He asked. Both Will and Ro stopped to look at him.
"Ya!" Will exclaimed, grabbing his bag and following his dad. Ro trailed after him, still ready to play.

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