Episode 26: Pink Bluebonnets

Start from the beginning

At six o'clock in the evening, the Alamo Mission is closed to visitors. Yet, the historical monument is about to receive two more. One of them is a Tennessean. The other is a Texan who originally grew up around here. Pinned over their hearts are pink bluebonnets made out of soft pink yarn and green wire.

"Man, it sure is chilly around here." Tennessee glances at his friend whose eyes are focused on the YETI soft cooler she carried. "What ya got in there?"

"Ya know. Some ice cream."

Tennessee doesn't question her reasons. He's accustomed to her bringing all sorts of things to the mission, ranging from Fuddruckers to Shipley's Donuts. Knowing her, he figures the ice cream in the bag is Blue Bell.

Texas uses a special key to unlock one of the doors, allowing them inside the shrine.

~ Hetalia! ~

At one point in their private tour of the Alamo Mission, Tennesee strays left and arrives at the Cavalry Courtyard alone. He's familiar with the area, but this is the first time he gets to see the bronze sculptures that were added last year in late April.

There are six statues in total. The one he's most interested in is a Tennessean who volunteered to fight for Texas's liberation from Mexico. Whoever sculpted him did a great job depicting the details and likeness of the folk hero, having him wear his iconic coonskin cap and hunting suit. The most eye-catching feature is the rifle. Most sculptures of the frontiersmen have the rifle positioned in a dignified manner, against their side or in their arms like they're cradling a baby. But to better capture the "King of the Wild Frontier", the sculptor has the figure hold their rifle over their shoulders in a casual manner. With a sharp brow and a witty smirk that exudes confidence in his abilities as a sharpshooter, the statue really looks like David Crockett standing before him.

He can imagine the frontiersman talking to him right there. 'Hey, there. What do you want me to do? Defend the church? Sure thing. No, I'm not afraid of dying. I'm here to fight. Now, let's get right to work preparing for our last stand.'

He smirks. "Always be sure you are right, then go ahead. That's what you always say before making decisions."

"I still stand by those words."

Startled, Tennesee turns to his right and sees his mentor standing next to him, looking up at his statue. "Davy!"

Crockett chuckles, "Man, I sure do look good in bronze."

He looks back up at the statue with a nod. "Yeah. The sculptor did ya justice."

"By the way, where's the Texas girl?" He looks around the courtyard.

"She's somewhere around the place. She tends to have a mind of her own, especially whenever we're here."

He softly smiles. "Ya did any good hunting recently?"

"Some quails and squirrels." He shows him some photos of his hunts on his phone.


His eyes brighten. "I also plan to hunt some wild turkeys later in the spring. I'll be sure to take pictures of those hunts and show you." He continues his chat with Crockett.

~ Hetalia! ~

After wandering around the garden for a while, Texas finally sets herself down on the edge of a fountain. She whistles the tune of "Deep in the Heart of Texas" while waiting.

"I was hoping you brought Whataburger."

She looks up and smiles at a familiar face. "Hey, there, Jim!"

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