The Prince quarters 2

Start from the beginning

'I don't think he's in his right senses,' she thought. If she was supposed to work at the main kitchen, why working somewhere else again? Why the sudden change? But who cares where she works? The money was what brought her here after all. Now she had to find a way to get a message across to her family.

She didn't tell her Mom and her Dad about it. Both of them already left home very early to the Oshodi market. Where they sell their small chops to people walking up and down the market and their daily customers and distributors. Of course, her parents were making money from it. Both her Dad and Mom were the one running it. That was how she knew how to make cake, sausage roll, meat pie and other things they sell in the shop. Instead of using the money for her and her sister, they spent the money on something else using the land they just bought as an excuse to finally build a house for themselves instead of their children's education first.

Her younger sister was not even at home for Ara to have told her about her journey to the palace. Her younger sister was writing her waec exams and decided not to stay at home because if she had stayed, she was definitely going to follow their parents to shop to sell. That was what they liked. For them to just come over and sell for them. When Ara realized they weren't planning on using the money for her to continue her education, she refused to assist them again, looking out for jobs on her own. Ara brought out her phone as she walked behind Kunbi.

"Hey Aramade." Kunbi called her like she had been calling her name for a very long time. "Please I really have to use the restroom. Have been having this serious running stomach since yesterday. Just wait for me at that corner." She politely said.

"Okay," Ara replied. As much as she couldn't wait to see the second Prince quarters, she wouldn't allow someone else to mess up her body. She walked forward until she saw a small, beautiful and quiet building. She walked right in, and the air conditioner fixed inside the place was so cool and welcoming. Her body suddenly relaxed. Life of rich people. 'This was the enjoyment she thought about.'

Air conditioner everywhere.

There was a seat at one corner which she sat on waiting for her younger sister to pick her call.

First ring....

Second ring.....

Third ring.....

"I call her my biggy biggy mama. Big sis, I miss you o." Her sister's voice echoed loudly through her phone speaker. Ara smiled sweetly. Her sister was always there to make her feel loved and happy whenever they talked or were together. Curious to know why her sister sounded so happy, Aramade decided to ask. "Omolade, this one that you are sounding so happy, what's popping?"

Omolade laughed, adding her little funny sound to it. She finally called Ara by the nickname she gave her. "Sissy, your girl is about to sign out. One more paper tomorrow, and the flexing starts. I'm slim fitting all your fine fine gown because I don't know why I never have big hips like you. Thank God we are sharing the same bra size. But sis, your breast is getting bigger o."

Ara laughed. It was something she does a lot whenever she was happy or was talking with her younger sister. There was nothing her sister could not say to her. "Madam flexing, congratulations. Now let me go straight to the reason why I called you." Ara quickly said. "Yesterday, I got a bc that there is a job at the biggest palace here in Lagos for hundred thousand naira weekly."

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