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When the pack was telling to finish Susy off I just looked at everybody and shook my head, yes I had accepted the challenge to the death but I never want my pack to see me as a killer since I wanted them to see me more as the one who will give a second chance to those in our pacl depending on what they have done. I got out of the ring and went directly to Fabian's arms and brought our lips together, showing the pak that he was mine and that I had won the right to be the future Luna of this pack. When we pulled away we could hear the pack screaming and howling at the top of their lungs which made me feel at home and accepted by them, the only ones left to accept me were Fabian's parents.

We kept eye contact until we heard someone clear their throat, we both turned to see his parents and Esteban's next to us. They didn't say anything and that didn't make me feel confirtable but I didn't show it, I didn't want them to see me weak after winning the fight. I was looking from Fabian's father to his mother and then from Esteban's father to his mother, I was on high alert and Fabian could tell since he was giving me slight squeezes on my hand letting me know he was with me.

"Why didn't you finish off Susy, the fight was to the death" Fabian's father said

"Well because unlike you I do believe in second chances but I also believe in keeping my guard up on high alert in case they want to do me wrong or make me regeret giving them a second chance to learn from their mistake" I said

"Giving second chances are almost all teh time wrong" Fabian's mother said

"And yet I am willing to take a risk when it come to a pacl member" I said

"What about if you made a big mistake" Esteban's father asked

"Then its on me and not on any one else and I will take care of it if it comes to it" I said

"What will  you do if it comes to it" Esteban's mother asked

"Then I will take care of it myself like I said before" I said

Before anyone else could ask anything my mother instincts kicked in and I started running to the back house, hearing more foot steps behind me I ran even faster that I left them way behind me as I got closer to the pack house I could tell that something wasn't right. I don't know how to explain the feeling I was having but it was like something was wrong and I ran to the front door of the pack house, once inside I ran all the way to the top floor and I could hear alot of comotion like a fight going on in there.

I threw the door open and I saw Esteban, George and Manuel fighting against six wolves and I didn't think about it twice I went for one of the wolves that had pinned Esteban to the wall and threw him out the open window. I told Esteban to mind link Fabian and tell him what was going on, I then went to another wolf that had tried to pin Manuel down on the floor and threw him to the wall creating a big hole in it I didn't care I had to help my friends. When I went for the second wolf that George was fighting Fabian and the others were bearly coming in through the door and started to help in the fight, I guess they had gotten ahold of the wolf I threw out the open window and had taken him to the cells.

Fabian's father grabbed the wolf I had thrown to the wall and was holding him until several fighters came in and one took him to the cells, once the three wolves that were left were knocked out they were also taken to the cells with the other three. I right away looked for Gaby and Jr, once I found them inside the shower Gaby right away gave Jr to me and I walked out with him in my arms and Fabian came running to us pulling us close in to his chest, I laid my head on his chest as he laid his on top of my head holding us close to him.

"What happened here" Fabian asked

"Well we were here in the room when we heard people coming up the stairs and I asked through the mind link where everybody was and they were either at the fight or taking care of the little ones some where else which meant that there shouldn't be anyone here but us, I told Gaby to take the baby to the bathroom to hid and try to keep him as quiet as possible which was easy since it looks like he fell asleep in her arms. George, Manuel and me pretended that we were moving the furniture around in the room trying to make more room in here and that's when they came in asking to know where Selena and the baby were, when we said that we wouldn't tell them where they were all hell broke loose and the fight started it all happened so fast tha I didn't get a chance to let you know about the intruders on the land" Esteban said

"Thank you for protecting our son" Fabian and I said at the same time

"Now before we go and find out who sent them here and why, I want to say that after the winning the fight and the way you answered our questions in the most proper and way a true Luna should have answered them I would like to say that we would be honored to have you as the future Luna of our pack" Fabian's father said

I looked up at him and I nodded my head with Fabian still by my side, I looked at him and smiled at him as he smiled down to me. When we looked back to his father he had a big smile on his face and then he started to walk out of the room, both Fabian and me looked at each other before we started to follow his father to the cells to interogate the six men that had been sent here to get me and Jr. Just like Fabian's father both Fabian and I wanted to know who was after me and Jr as well as why they were after us, as we started to go down the stairs to the cells I held on to Jr even more as well as Fabian tightend his grip on my waist in a very protective way almost like he wanted to let everyone know that we belong to him an no one else.

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