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When I heard Selena's mother say not to do it because it would hurt the baby, I was in shock but I didn't know if it was because of waht she was going to do or because she was pregnant and what ever she was going to do could hurt the baby. We saw how she started to consentrate and before we knew it she was ingulfed by fire, she started to allow the fire to go to all the rouges and in an instant all the rouges that were around her were turned into dust. She turned to me and she saw how shocked I was but didn't say anything.

Before I could do anything she was on her knees still covered in fire but screaming, like if she was hurting so I started to run towards her and before I could get to her Sebastian, Manuel, George and Esteban got ahold of me. I looked at them pleading with my eyes to let me go but the wouldn't we all turned towards Selean who was still screaming. I could feel how she was getting weak as the time past but she wouldn't give up, once she stopped being on fire the rouges started to attack her all at the same time and we weren't going to allow that. We all charged at the same time, we were making sure that no one got pass us although some did but were unable to do damage to Selena she was a good fighter.

"Selena look at me, don't close your eyes please stay awake" Lucifer said

I turned to see Selena in Lucifers arms awake but just looking at him, then at her mother I ran as fast as I could to get to them.

"Selena baby look at me please baby don't close your eyes stay with us" I say

"Get a doctor here now" her mother yells

"Selena don't close your eyes baby please don't close your eyes" I say

I could tell that she was tired but she was trying her best to not close them, it seemed like she was having a battle in herself. She slowly started to shut her eyes just as the doctor got to her, we were all worried about her and the baby abd that's when it hit me we were having another baby and Jr was still a baby himself. How were we going to raise two babies who are a few months apart, I was snapped out of my thoughts as I saw LUcifer picking up Selena in his arms and running with her following the doctor.

I got up and followed them to the pack hospital, once inside Lucifer placed Selena on a gurney and the doctor left with her. I tried to follow them but was stopped by Lucifer and Sebastian, I looked at them and I bet my eyes were as black as the darkest nights.

"Let me go" I say with a growl

"No Fabian you have to let them doctor do her job, we all need to wait for now" Sebastian says

"I have to be with her" I say

"We know but you can't you have to wait for now just like we all are" Beatris said

I nod my head and took a sit next to Lucifer and Sebastian, we didn't know how long we would be here waiting to find out how Selena and the baby were doing, as I thought about the baby it brought a big smile to my face, I was going to be a father once again and this time I was going to be there through out all of it. I just hoped that they were both okay and theat they were both going back home with me, Jr and everyone else.

We waited for what seemed like for ever but I didn't know what to do anymore, I got up and started to walk around the waiting room. Everybody looked at me like I was crazy but deep down I was more like trying not to throw something or break it for that matter, we saw the doctor come in and we all walked fast to her.

"How are they doing" I asked

"They are fine, you can come in and be with her if you want" she said

"Can we all go we want to be with ehr when she wakes up" Lucifer said

"Sure I am sure she will be happy to see you all when she wakes up" she said

We followed her to Selena's room and we could hear monitors beeping in the room, we all walked inside and we saw Selena laying down on the bed. I ran to her and grabbed her hand lacing our fingers together then brought her hand up to my mouth and gave the top of her hand a kiss, I couldn't help but stay by her side.

"How is the baby" Gaby asked

"They are doing good, they are as strong as their mother" she says

"They" Lucifer asked

"Yes, they" she says

"What do you mean by they" I asked

"I mean they as more than one" she answers

"How many is more than one" Sebastian asked

"As in three" she answered

At that time I don't know what happened to me, I tried to get up and instantly I falling flat to the ground. I was lifted up by three pairs of hands who started to help me stand study on my legs, I couldn't feel my feet it was like they were jelly or something. I was doing my best to try and get my feet under me but it just wasn't working, I looked from the doctor to Selena and back to the doctor. I mean I was happy but at the same time I was worried, how was I going to take care of not one but four babies and Selena at the same time. They sat me back on the chair next to Selena's bed, the doctor came over and looked at me but I knew that the only thing wrong with me was that I was in shock because of the news we were just given.

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