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I woke up in a hospital and I started to look around, when I didn't see anyone I just laid back on the bed. I didn't know where I was or how I got here, my head was hurting as much as my whole body. It felt like I was hit by a truck I wanted some pain killers and I needed them like yesterday, I grabbed my head with my hands trying to some how stop my head from hurting.

"Oh your awake Aida" a doctor said as she walked up to me

"Yeah" I said still holding my head

"How are you feeling" she asked

"My head feels like its going to explode" I said

"I will get you something for the pain in a minute, let me check your vitals first" she said

"Okay that sounds swell" I said

After she checked my vitals and gave me soem pain killers she left me to take a nap and said she would call my parents to let them know I was awake, I laid on the bed and fell asleep. I woke up to someone stroking my hair, as I opened my eyes I saw mom and dad standing next to my bed.

"Hey baby, how are you feeling" dad asked

"Better now that you are here" I said

"We are so glad that you are awake and okay now" mom said

"Where is Fabio" I asked

"Oh baby, Fabio didn't make it" dad said

"What happened" I asked

"Well you two went out to dinner and on your way back you guys were attacked, Fabio lost his life saving yours" mom said

I started to cry, why would the Moon Goddess do this to me. Why would she take my mate from me, I cried in my mothers arms for a long time until I could not cry any more. My head was hurting so bad that my father had to sask for some pain killers, after I took them I closed my eyes and then opened them once agian.

"When can I go home" I asked

"I will go ask, do you really want to go home" dad asked

"Yes, I don't want to be here anymore" I said

Dad left to talk to the doctor and see if I could go home, I really didn't want to stay here I wanted to go home. I felt sick being here with out my mate, I wanted to go home and just lay in my bed. After awhile my dad came back in and said we could leave when ever I wanted, mom helped me get up and changed into some of my clothing before we headed out fo the hospital and into dad's lambo. We headed hoe and on the way I was feeling really sleepy, mom suggested I take a nap and that they would wake me up when we got home.

I was being lightly shaken and when I woke up I saw mom looking at me with a big smile on her face, she moved out of the way and I was able to see our home. We walked up to the house as my dad opened the front door, as we walked in I felt so complete. Mom and I went up to my room so I could lay down and rest a little more before dinner, she left me alone in my room and I grabbed the picture that was on my night stand. I looked at it as tears started to fall, it was a picture of Fabio and I on our first trip to the Americas. We had had so much fun there, we had promised to go there and practice law and live there after we graduated and got our degree in law in two years, at that moment I decided that once I got my degree I would go and live in the Americas to full fill our dreams. I was going to do this for him, I was going to do this for us. He gave his life for me and I was not going to take this second chance in granted, he loved me and I loved him and because of that I was going to do what ever it took to get my degree, graduate and move to the Americas and complete our dreams of opening an office there and help those who needed us the most.

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