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"SELENA NO IT WILL HURT THE BABY" I heard my mother scream

I tuned my mothers would out and I started to focus my eyes on my targets and started to consentrate on all of them, I started to allow my power to take over my whole body. It was going through every inch of my body and even though my mother and father were screaming at me to stop I didn't do it, I kept consentrating on my targets before I released it. I closed my eyes and felt the power start to get stronger and stronger, when I opened my eyes everyone was in shock. My whole body was covered by flames and I was ready to let go, I picked up Micheal by the throat and looked at him straight in to his eyes and before he could do anything I threw him to the two men who were holding Sebastian making them release their grip on him.

Every single one of the rouges started to attack me one after the other, I dudged a few and others were thrown against the tree trunks. I kept moving and one by one they were landing at my feet, when I was tired of fighting I looked at Fabian who had a shocked look on his face but I couldn't tell if it was because he just found out that I was pregnant or because I was using some of my powers or even maybe both. I closd my eyes and focused on my targets one more time and this time as I opened my eyes I let my head fall back while releasing a loud scream, I could feel everyones emotions and I wasn't about to consentrate well but I did my best.

Before I knew it I was kneeling on the floor and I was still screaming and releasing all the power I had to protect my family, I was doing what I could to stop the rouges from hurting or killing my family and I knew the risks I was taking. I was putting my un born child in danger but I had to use my strongest power to protect them, I could hear people talking but I couldn't understand what they were saying. All I could do was keep yelling out at the same time, I wasnted to finish this war once and for all. I was tired of all the threats to y family, I was tired of being in danger and not being able to feel safe with my family and my friends.

I was able to stop most of the rouges before releasing what was left of my powers, I was feeling weak but I didn't want to let the darkness take over of me. Even though it was getting closer and closer I fought it off, I was going to continue to fight for what was right and nothing more. I got up just in time to dudge one of the rouges from attacking me, I wasn't going to allow any one of the rouges to attack me without a fight. As I looked around me really quick I was able to see that we were winning so far and that brought a big smile to my face, I kept fighting as uch as I could to defend myself but for some reason all I could do was make sure that none of the punches that were thrown at me ever hit my stomach. According to my wolf the baby was fine but we had to make sure that none of the punches thrown at me hit me on the stomach, I kept dudging and making sure that if they went to hit me on the stomach I would not allow the punch to hit me.

After the last rouges were taken down, my mother and father came to my side and before they could say anything I fell into my father's arms at the moment I was in his arms I looked up and I could see his mouth move but I couldn't make out what he was saying. I turned to face my mother and she was looking around yelling something that I couldn't tell, all I could see was her mouth move. Little by little the rest of my family and friends started to come into view, I just kept turning my head looking at everyone around me I couldn't hear what they were saying to me. My eyes started to get heavy and little by little they started to close, I could feel someone shaking me but even though I tried to open my eyes I just couldn't and I let the darkness consume me and I fell into a peaceful sleep.

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