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It has been six months since Selena a left to train to be Luna, she has said several times that she has a present for me when she returns but she will not tell me what it is. I always tell her that the only present that I want is to have her back in my arms nothing more nothing less just her but she says that I will love the present she has for me. She has also said that she will be coming back in two months or so but she isn't one hundred percent sure when, she is appearantly doing so well that she doing so well that she is finishing her training faster than any other she wolf has done before.

While I was talking to Esteban we were told that there were rouges in our lands, we both ran straight to where we were told the rouges where and by the time we got there the only thing we were able to see were wolf fighting each other. Both Esteban and I shifted and started to fight and defend our pack while we gave time to the other fighters to take the woman, children and elders to the safe house before coming to help fight the rouges. Esteban was by my side while we were fighting, he was watching my back while I was watching his.

At some point during the fight Esteban and I got seperated and we were fighting alone, I had taken down several rouges before the rest of the fighters got to where we were to help. Everybody was fighting bravely no one was getting hurt or wounded we were doing so well, at some point I was fighting three rouges at the same time and I was doing so well that I stopped paying alot of attention at my sur roundings and a rouge tackled me to the ground making me hit my head on a rock. Even though my head was hurting I got up and kept fighting I wasn't going down with out a fight, I had blood running down my face from the head wound I had but I just ignored it. I had to continue fighting I wasn't going to let my pack see that I wasn't a good future Alpha, I wanted to show them that I would be a good Alpha that would give his own life for his pack. Once the last rouge was killed Esteban came up to me and saw that I was bleeding and shifted so he would be able to wrap a piece of cloth on my head to stop the bleeding but for that to be done I had to shift as well, when I did I started to see black spots all around me and then I fell back in the arm of someone who started to run with me on their back.

************************************************THREE WEEKS LATER******************************************

I woke up to a very beautiful open area where there was a water fall, I walked towards it and when I was near I took my shoes off and sat on the edge fo the pond and placed my feet in the water when I started to hear an angelic voice calling me and I turned to see who it was and I was surprised to see a beautiful lady in a white gown.

"Fabian what are you doing here" she asked

"I don't know, I don't even know how I got here" I said

"You have to go back, you need to be back before Selena gets home" hse said

"Why, when is she getting here" I asked

"Well you do want to meet your son don't you, she will be getting there in about two weeks" she said

"What do you mean with my son" I asked

"Well yes, you and Selena have a son together" she said

"Why hasn't she told me then" I asked

"Oh Fabian but she has evertime she says that you will love the surprise she has for you" she said

"I don't want to be rude but who are you" I asked

"You know who I am, I am the mother of all the werewolves" she said

"Moon Goddess" I said

"Yes, Fabian that is me and Selena is my child she was able to start shifting sicne she was ten years old" she said

"Then why hasn't she shifted" I asked

"Because Fabian, she is a pure white wolf and you know what that would mean to who ever found out that she was a pure white wolf" she said

"Sent me back, I want to be with Selena and my son" I said

"That I can do but you will lose some of your memories, when you see Selena once again all your memories will return" she said

"But why will I lose of my memories" I asked

"Because Selena is the one who wanted to tell you about your son" she said

Before I was able to say anything I was in a very dark place, I could hear a beeping sound that started to drive me crazy. I opened my eyes to see that I was in a room with white walls, I turned my head and found my mother holding my hand and my father holding the other. I moved my fingers to let them know I was awake and I saw a smile form on my parents face as they looked at me, my father left to get the doctor and when he came in he started to ask me some questions which I was able to answer really easily. When they asked if I remembered what happened I told them I didn't, then he asked me if I knew who my mate was and I said I didn't remember either which brought a bigger smile to their faces but I didn't know why. I was told that I needed to rest and they gave me some medication was finally knocking me out and I couldn't hear what they were talking about.

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