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Today Jr turns six months old and Selena has been in coma almost two months, she was also almost three months pregnant and she would be due any day. The pups have been doing good and so has Selena, her vitals have been very steady as well as the ones of the pups, the doctorsaid that she was going to come in adn talk to me about doing a c-section to deliver the pups safely. I was playing with Jr while we waited for the doctor to come in and talk to me, Gaby has been alot of help coming in every day to play with him and to let me take a nap once in awhile since he still is keeping me up duting the night.

The doctor came in and Gaby took Jr to get him something to eat, I was left with the doctor. We waited until gaby left with Jr so we could talk without being interupted, although I asked if we could wait until Selena's parents got here since I didn't want to make a decision without them there with me. I mean beside from being her aprents one was the Moon Goddess and the other was the Lord of the underworld, they were the only ones that could help me make the right choice when it came to this hard decision that I was about to make.

"Are you ready to hear what I will be doing" the doctor asked

"Yes" we all said

"Well like I said we will be doing a c-section but if it get to the point to were I have to chose between the pups and their mother I need to know who do you want me to safe" the doctor said

"How long do we have before we need to make a decision" I asked

"We will start the c-section in one hour but we need to have an answer before then" the doctor said before she left the room

"What should we do" I asked

"What do you want to do" Lucifer asked me

"I want them all, I can't just chose between them" I said

"Well then that's what you have to say to the doctor" her mother said

When the doctor came back after awhile I tell her to do whatever she can but I want all of them with me, I didn't want to lose any of them I wanted her to do what ever was in her hands to safe them. She said she would do the best she could do to safe them all and that the nurses would be coming to get Selena in a few minutes, we staid with her one of my hands holding her hand while the other was on top of her baby bump, after about twenty minutes the nurses came in and took Selena I held her hand all the way to the outside of the operating room.

The doctor asked if I wanted to stay or if I was going to leave, without thinking about it I told her that I was going to stay since I wanted to be there when my kids were born and until I was told that they were all out of danger, they gave me the scrubs while they prepared Selena for the c-section. A nurse placed a chair by her head and I grabbed her hand in mine while I was able to see what they did, I was placing kisses on her hand when I heard a baby cry I looked up to look at our first baby who was born, then the cry of our second baby was heard and finally the last cry and our third baby was heard. It was official now we were parents of four pups under the age of one but I was so happy, I walked over to see our babies only to find out tha we had two girls and a boy.

I was so happy to see that our babies were okay, they allowed me to cut the cords and then I walked over to Selena and when the doctor said that Selena was fine and out of danger my smile got even bigger reaching from ear to ear. Once they said that they were going to take the babies to the nursery and Selena was going to be taken to a recovery room I went to the waiting room and told Selena's parents that they were all okay and our of danger but also told them that Selena had had two girls and a boy, theat they were healthy and out of danger also although Selena was still in coma they were all safe. I told them that the babies were in the nursery an that Selena was being taken to a recovery room, they both asked me to take them to see the babies and then to see Selena which I did. Once they saw the babies and then to see Selena which I did. Once they saw I saw tears fall from Selena's mother eyes and then I took them to the room where I was told Selena was going to be taken to, after a while three nurses brought the babies with their bottles and asked if we wanted to feed them we all said yes and we each took a baby and started to feed them my life was almost complete I just needed Selena to wake up so we could finally be happy with our two boys and two girls.

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