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I was on the plane and my head was still hurting, I had taken some pain killers before I got on the plane so in case I fell asleep I would during the flight from Italy to Texas. I was sitting on the window side seat and I was looking out the window as the city looked smaller and smaller until I couldn't see it at all and the only thing that I could see were clouds, I closed my eyes as they felt heavy and I fell into a deep sleep.

I started to dream that I was running through a forest with who I assumed were friends, then I started to feel alot of pain go through my body and I could hear my bones crack. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I was on four paws, the strange thing was that my wolf was white in my dream when in reality it is black with dark gray. All of a sudden I was taken to another time where I was older and I was helping people get to a safe place before I went back and started to help fight rouges that were attacking the pack house, what was strange is that it wasn't our pack or our pack house.

Just like the time before I was taken to where I was in like a training camp, where I was being worked my ass off. Then I looked down and I had a baby bump but I don't remember being pregnant or being in a training camp what so ever, then I see a girl who walks up to me and hugs me calling me Selena when my name is Aida. All of a sudden I was seeing myself give birth and when they placed the baby in my arms I saw it was a boy and I remember saying Jr, I had tears in my eyes by this point. I had had a baby boy and I didn't even know who the father was, then I was taken to some kind of wedding and I interupted it saying that the groom was my mate and he rejected me because he thought I was dead and he made a promise of never leaving his new girl.

After that I was taken to a fight in a hotel room and I was protecting my baby from them, I saw the same guy that had rejected me standing there with two other people. After I took care of the men that had attacked me, I ran to the crib and picked up Jr and calmed him down sicne he was crying. I was then taken to another moment when the guy walked up to me while I was holding Jr in my arms and he looked at him, his eyes were filled with love at the moment he saw Jr. He snaked his hand around my waist and he walked me in and up to his room, seconds later we were brought a crib, clothing and other things we would need for Jr. All through out the whole thing everyone was calling me Selena, I ws actually starting to believe that that was my real name in some way.

I was then shown a moment were I was fighting several rouges and I was covefred in fire, even though my whole body was covered in fire it wasn't burning me it was like if I was the one projecting the fire. I started to turn and look all aound me and all I could see were the men that were falling dead as the fire reached them, then all went black like if I had fallen asleep. I started to hear a voice telling me to wake up, that I needed to live for Jr, the three new pups that were growing inside me and for them. I could tell that it was a man who was talking and I felt so in peace as he talked, I started to feel them touching me and holding my hand.

I was then taken to a moment where I was sort of floating and I was looking down to the people as they were operating on a girl, they were doing a c-section to deliver three babies. Two girls and a boy, I staid there listening and hearing how this man was telling her how she had to come back for them now, that Jr and the three new pups needed her. At that moment it clicked, I wasn't seeing someoes life I was seeing my own life. My real life that I had before, I then saw how I died on the operating room because I lost alot of blood. Oh Moon Goddess if this is my real life please give me a sign, I snapped my eyes open as we were landing in Dallas Texas.

After I got my loggage I took a taxi to a hotel near a pack that for some reason was calling for me, I asked to stay in the pent house and I am glad that it was available. I had a perfect view of the pack house from this floor, I focused my eyes to be able to see at the pack house and I was able to see a party going on. As I looked I was able to see him and he was with four kids, my kids, our kids but how was I going to get to them when I was someone different I wasn't Selena Wolf anymore I was now Aida White De La Vega. I had to make a plan to get near my kids without being caught, I didn't know how I woudl do it but I had to. As I kept looking I saw my old friends, they were all together helping with my kids. I wonder what he had named the girls and the boy, I wanted to know alot of things but for now all I could do was just wait and watch from afar.

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