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When we were told that there was a car waiting for us, I started to hold Jr even more closer to my chest. Fabian had an idea why I was over protective of him but I wasn't going to tell him the truth, I felt like he didn't desirve to know that Jr was our son and that he was the surprise I had for him at least not until he showed he was really sorry or regretful for what he did to me. We got in the car and we started to head to the pack land, I didn't want to be there I knew deep down his parents were going to try and cause some kind of problem or fight. I was prepared for anything that they threw at me even if it meant that I would have to shift in to my solid white wolf, I was going to defend and protect Jr with everything I had in me.

When we got closer to the pack house, I turned to look at Gaby and Esteban who were looking at me with understanding eyes. Gaby reached over and took Jr in her arms with a big smile on her face, once she ahd him Esteban looked at me asking permision to which I nodded my head approving and allowing him to softly touch Jr with loving eyes. They look so good while holding him, I soemtimes wondered why they haven't had a baby yet. I mean they do make good parents since they have been helping me take care of him when they would go and visit us at the hotel, I would sometimes say they were ready to have one fo their own which made them both say not right away.

When the car stopped we where in front of the pack house and Fabian's parents, sister and brother were standing in front of the door. I looked at Esteban and then at Gaby they both understood what I wanted to stay, when Fabian stepped out of the car he put his hand so I would take it and with some doubt I took it as he helped me out of the car. Esteban was the next to get out, Gaby was the last to come out with Jr in her arms. We all stood in front of Fabian's parents not saying a word, Gaby staid behind while Esteban and I blocked her out of view with out own bodies.

"I see your back" Fabian's father said

"Yes I am" I said

"Why did you come back, no one wants you here" Fabian's mother said

"Your son brought me back which apperantly means he does want me here" I said

"Leave her alone, she is my mate and she belongs by my side" Fabian said

"What about that bastard of a pup that Gaby is holding you are accepting it too even though it isn't yours" his father asked

"Say what ever you want about me but keep him out of this, he has done nothing to you" I said

"What are you going to do, you are so weak that you can't even shift in to your wolf form" his mother said

"And what did I tell you both not so long ago" the Moon Goddess said

I turned and walked up to her and gave her a hug, she looked at me and smiled placing a soft kiss on my forhead.

"Hello my sweet girl how have you and the precious bundle of joy doing" the Moon Goddess asked

"We are doing good mother would you like to see him" I asked

"I would be delighted to see him, I haven't seen him since he was born" she said

I walked over to Gaby and took Jr in my arms and walked back to her, she took Jr in her arms and smiled sweetly at him.

"He does look alot like his father" she said

"Mother please" I said

"I told you that he was a bastard pup" his father said

I got so mad that I turned at them and started to shake, I was trying so hard to hold my wolf in. I didn't want anyone to see that I was a pure white wolf at least not now, when I looked towards my brother and Fabian their eyes were in surprise state as I bet they can see that my eyes were pitch black by this moment. I stated to walk towards Fabian's parents while everyone in front of me moved out of the way, when I was in front of them thye started to step back away from me. When I couldn't hold my wolf any longer, I shifted in to my pure white wolf snaping at Fabian's parents. I didn't care who was looking all I wanted to do was to rip their heads off their bodies and I wasn't thinking since all I knew was theat they called my son a bastard and not once but twice. I was standing inches away from them when Jr started to cry and I turned on my heels and headed to hom placing my head on his little stomach which made him stop dcrying and cuddle in to me.

THE REJECTED WHITE WOLFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon