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As we are looking at this young man who is now looking at us neither one of us knew what to say, he walks closer to us and looks at us both before he talks.

"Are you both just going to stand there or are you going to let me out of here" Sebastian said

"Why did they bring you here" Beatris asked

"Because I am a rouge in your lands and they think I'm with the rouges who have been attacking your pack Beatris but its not like that, mom told me what was going on and I came here to help as well" he says

We let him out of the cell and he right away hugs us, after our shock was over both me and Beatris hug him back. After awhile we see a bright light fill the cell, once the bright light dims down we see that it is our mother with a big smile on.

"It's good to see my three children together once again" she says

"Why didn't we know about each other until now" Beatris asked

"Because you all were in danger and the people who are attacking Beatris's pack are the ones who were after all of you when you were younger, that's why I had to seperate you and keep you safe" she said

"So what do we have to do now" Sebastian asked

"You all have to stay together until the rouges decide to attack, that's when you all attack together not seperate" she says

When she disappeared again all three of us start our way out of the cells, once we step out of the cells the guards that were guarding Sebastian take a attack stand ready to attack him. I get in front of both Beatris and Sebastian ready to defend both of them not caring what they do to me, they are my younger siblings and I will protect them if I have to.

"Stand down" I say

"Selena get out of the way" Esteban says

"NO" I answer

"Why the fuck are you getting in the way" one of the guards says

"If you want to get to them, you will have to get through me first" I say

"Why are you protecting our Luna and the rouge like that" another guards says

"Because your Luna and the rouge are both my siblings" I say

"The Luna doesn't have a brother or a sister" the first guard says

"Yes she does, look at them they are twins and I am their older sister, now stand down" I say

They look at Beatris and then at Sebastian, once they see how they are almost identical they start to relax but not fully.

"How do we know that you are their sister" the first guard asks

I look at Beatris and then at Sebastian giving them a nod, as soon as I do that all three of us pull our shoulder free of our shirts showing them all the cresent moon birth mark that we have on the back side.

"Now do you believe" I asked

They all nod and we all start walking back to the pack house, I could tell that Fabian was in shock but also some what mad that I didn't tell him the truth about who Beatris really is to me. He will just have to understand that I did what I did to keep my sister safe and if he doesn't than too bad, I wasn't going to apologize for trying to kepp her our of being hurt or taken to get to me. Once in the pack house Beatris shows me and Fabian were our room is and then takes Sebastian to where he will be staying, we walk in to our rooms and Fabian asks Gaby to take Jr with her so me and him can talk and so the interogating begins.

"Why didn't you tell me that you had a brother and sister" he asked

"Because I didn't know I had a brother until just a few minutes ago and I didn't tell you about who Beatris really was because I was trying to protect her from someone taking her to get to me" I said

"Okay and why didn't you tell me, I could have helped protect her" he said

"How Fabian, the rouges that are attacking her pack are the same ones that made my mother seperate us when we were little and now that we are back together I am going to do anything to keep them safe at any cost" I say

"I know baby I would have done the same thing for my own brother and sister" he said

"I got to go talk to them see what we are going to do" I said

"Just sleep now baby we will talk to them tomorrow" he says

"Okay, just because I'm tired but first I got to go say goodnight to Jr" I say

"Okay" he says

I walk out of the room and follow Jr's scent to where Gaby has him, I knock on the door and when she opens the door I see her with Jr in her arms and hands him over. I felt so happy to have him in my arms that I didn't want to let go, Gaby must have noticed because she tells me to take him and that she would keep him when ever I needed her to do so. I smiled at her and then turned on my heels and start to head to my room with him in my arms, I walked in to my room and Fabian came up to us and placed his arms around me looking at Jr while he still he still slept in my hands. We then walked to where Beatris had placed a crib for him and next to the crib was a picture of her holding Jr when he was just born, Fabian grabbed the picture while I placed Jr in the crib. I could tell that he was sad and I knew it was because he wasn't there when Jr was born, I walked up to him and placed my arms around him holding him as tight as I could and try to confert him the best I could.

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