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"Don't lie to us" my mother said

"Now why would I do such a thing, I am not you" Selena said with anger in each word

"Because you know that we never wanted you as our sons mate" my father said

"What did you just say father" I asked

"Nothing, I said nothing" my father said

"You both lied to me, why would you do that to me" I asked

"Because she can't shift in to her wolf, she wasn't blessed to have a wolf" my mother and father said

"Now that is where you are both wrong" a beautiful lady said

"Who are you and what are you doing on my lands" my father asked

"You all know who I am" she said

"Moon Goddess" Esteban said said taking a knee as well as everybody else

"What do you mean that we are both wrong" my mother asked

"Well you see, Selena has been able to shift since she was ten years old she just chose not to do so" the Moon Goddess said

"Why wouldn't she want to turn in to her wolf" I asked

"Oh Fabian you are the one who has disappointed me the most" she said

"I made a promise and I have to keep it" I said

"Yet you also told Selena in front of your parents, brother, sister, her parents and brother that you wouldn't change her even though she didn't shift in to her wolf and look what you have done. Not only have you lost her but you have lost alot more than that, you will recovered your memories and keep the ones you have just made and you will remember most everything of what I told you while you were in coma as well" she said

Before I could ask her what she meant, she just disappeared in to thin air. I looked at Selena's brother and he had sadness in his eyes which he covered up as soon as he realized I could see it, I turned to my parents and then to Susy but didn't say anything.

"Will there be a wedding or not" the priest asked

"No, there isn't going to be one" I said

I turned to where Selena was standing a few minutes ago and she was gone, I lifted my nose up and I could catch her scent.

"She masked her scent, I can't smell her either" Esteban said

"We need to find her ASAP I want to know what the Moon Goddess said about me losing alot more then just her" I said

"I know what it is but I promised not to tell you, I'm sorry but I am not going to break a promise I made to my sister" Esteban said

With that he walked away and so did I, I went in to my room where my mates or should I say Selena's clothing still hung in my closet next to mine. Her scent was intoxicating but I loved it, my parents wanted to get rid of it since it got back from the hospital but for some reason I couldn't do it and now I know why. My mate isn't dead she is alive and I just tejected her, now for sure she would die since that is what happens when your mate rejects you so I have heard. I laid on the bed with one of her sweaters that I always used to place on her side of the bed just to atleast be able to sleep at night, the only thing that kept repeating over and over again was the cry of the baby that for some reason made me and my wolf feel happy and then what the Moon Goddess said that I had lost alot more than just her.

After thinking about everything over and over again I went in to the bathroom and took a shower, as soon as I closed my eyes I started seeing images of Selena and I running and laughing, playing games and eating. I also saw images of her with her brother while I took pictures and then him taking pictures of both of us, then I saw images of her getting in to a car and leaving. After that I saw images of the rouge attack and I started to remember everything that happened and remember thinking that I was going to leave Selena alone, thinking that I was going to die since I was losing alot of blood.

I remember waking up and my parents smiling when I said that I didn't remember who my mate was, then the doctor saying that I need to rest and seeing that my parents were talking before I closed my eyes the last thing that I saw was Selena at the end of the aisle and stopping the wedding, then showing me her mark and telling me how I had hers. After that I saw when I rejected her and then hearing the baby cry and wanting to run towards it but being held back by Esteban but the look on Selena's face was filled with surprise as she ran to where the baby cry was coming from but why would she run towards the baby cry and where did it go, where did they both go where were they I had to appologise for what I did and get her back now that I have my memories back I needed to find her and fast.

THE REJECTED WHITE WOLFWhere stories live. Discover now