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It has been almost two years since Selena passed away, Jr, Gaby, Beatris and Esteban have been doing great. We were getting ready to celebrate their second birthdays, everything was getting finished and we were about to get the final details done before we let the girls know that they could bring the kids back to the house. Gaby and Beatris offered to take the kids to the zoo while we set up everything, everybody has been helping alot with them. They do ask for Selena and we tell them how she gave her life for them and that they were her biggest reason to fight for what was right, they each have a picture of her in their room.

After we were done, I mind linked the girls that they could come back to the house with the kids. As we waited I went to Selena's tomb and I staid there and talked to her like I do every day, I tell her how the girls look like her and the boys are looking just like me. I would tell her how the pack has been doing and how my parents have changed alot too, they have told the kids that she was a great girl and every night they would tell them the story of how she saved the pack from a rouge attack in her human form. Before I could continue telling her more, Esteban mind linked me telling me that the kids were almost here and that I needed to go back to the party area.


It has been almost two years since I woke up after being attacked and I was finally graduating as a lawyer, my parents were so happy and proud of me. My friends staid at my house since I live closer to the campus and we could get there faster, last night we went to a club and we had a few drinks there before calling it a night. We were getting changed into our dresses when my mother knocked and opened the door and walked in looking at all of us. She said we had only ten minutes to get down stairs or we were going to be late for our own graduation, we all started to laugh as we started to put our shoes on before heading down stairs.

Once we were at the school we started to make our way to the football field where we were going to be seated while the parents and the rest of the family members sat at the bleachers, the principle called each one of us one by one until they said my name and I walked up and got my diploma before getting of the stage. I walked back to my seat were my friends were and we waited until all the students had been called up to get their diplomas before we were dismissed, we all started to hug each other. We were finally our of school and we were on our way to a new start, my parents came up to me and gave me a big hug as well as an envelope. I looked at them and then opened the envelope to find a plane ticket to Texas in the Americas, I was so happy that I started to jump up and down in excitement. My parents had given me the best gratuation present ever, the girls came up to me and looked at the plane ticket and started to scream in excitement as well.

The ticket said that the plane would leave this night at ten and I had to go to my house and start packing for my trip, the girls came with me and helped me get everything ready. Once we were done the butler took my bags down stairs as the girls and I started a pillow fight, Judy hit me hard enough to make me hit my head on the head board and it started to hurt but I ignored it, everybody asked if I was okay to which I said that I was fine. They seemed to be very worried every time I would hit my head although I didn't know why, I was so happy that I was going to Texas that I didn't care about having a head ach at that moment I only cared of getting on that plane and going to Texas and starting my new life there as a lawyer and that was what I was going to do.

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