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I was finally going to take my final test before I was able to go back to my pack and give Fabian the best gift that he has given me, I was going to introduce our son Jr to him. Yes I know what you must be thinking, why Jr well because I wanted him to have his fathers name since he looks so much like him. I was feeding my son when my phone rang and I picked it up, when I saw it was my brother I answered right away he is the only one that knows about Jr.

"Hello" I said

"Hey Selena you need to come back now" Esteban said

"Why what is going on" I asked

"There was a rouge attack three weeks ago and Fabian got hit in the head he was out until yesterday and he doesn't remember that you are his mate, his parents convinced him that you had died during your training and........" he stopped

"And what Esteban what is going on" I asked

"They told him that he had excepted to marry Susy" he said

"No no no" I kept repeating in to the phone

"Selena you have to get back now the wedding is tomorrow afternoon" Esteban said

"Okay I am leaving right now but I will not be there until tomorrow" I said

"Don't worry I told Gaby that she would have to go get you since I have to stay here and pretend to be the good friend and best man at the wedding" Esteban said

"Okay I will see if I can take the final test now and pack everything and leave to be there tomorrow but Esteban" I said

"What is it" Esteban asked

"Try to stall as much as you can" I said

"I will Selena see you and Jr tomorrow" Esteban said

I hung up the phone and went to talk to the trainer and told her what was going on in my pack and I told her I needed to get back ASAP, that I wanted to know if I could do my final test right now so I could leave and be at my pack before the wedding took place. She agreed right away and she got everything ready for my final test which was to fight the she wolf who was in charge of the training camp, while I took the test another girl who had become my friend was taking care of Jr.

After passing the test I started to pack everything that I had brought plus the little amount of things that were given to Jr during my little baby shower that the girls had thrown for me, when I was saying my good byes I saw a few girls shed a few tears that I also wanted to shed but never did. The trainer got my bags and got them in the car that was going to take me to the airport where I was going to catch the plane back home, once at the airport I got on the plane with Jr in my arms and I put on my seat belt and waited for the plane to start and take us back home. I left my home with just my bags and I was coming home with my bags and a son, the future to our pack and no body was going to stop me.

Before I knew it the plane was landing and I started to get Jr and the bag where I had Jr's bottles, formula, diapers and wipes as well as some extra clothing just in case. When I got off the plane I went to get our stuff and one of the landy's that works there helped me get my bags and take them to where I was going to wait for Gaby, when she left I called Gaby to see where she was and she told me that she was just five minutes away. I told her where I was so when she arrived she knew where to go, I hung up the phone and got Jr's paci and gave it to him so he would stay calm and if I was luck enough he would fall asleep. When Gaby got here she saw Jr and started to ask questions to which I told her I would answer as soon as we were on the road back to the pack so I could stop the wedding, once in the car I answered her questions and before we knew it we were at our pack lands. I could feel like I was home but I wouldn't be complete until Fabian had me in his arms as well as his son, I told Gaby to stay with Jr while I went around the back to stop the wedding that had already started I just hoped I wasn't to late.

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