"Richard... King Richard?" Allan stumbled in surprise before he pulled the messenger to his feet and took him towards his horse.

"The King's coming home." Kate whispered in disbelief.

"Read the rest." I tell Tuck as he nods before looking back down at the parchment.

"You asked for three hundred men, food and supplies. I will dispatch them at sunset to join with your northern forces in Doncaster. England will soon be yours." Tuck finished before rolling the message back up. Something didn't seem right.

"So where's Isabella got three hundred men from?" Robin questioned looking very uncomfortable.

"She doesn't have many men at her disposal and neither does Prince John" I warn remembering what I had learnt in my time in the castle.

"They are going to have to get men from somewhere and that's what I'm worried about" I warn as I could see everyone grow uneasy.

"You give the sheriff this message: England will never be a slave to Prince John, not while Robin Hood fights for King Richard." Robin shouts at the messenger as the horse walks down the road with the messenger riding backwards, his hands tied to the saddle. Before we even had a minute to gather our wits we heard John screaming out for Robin over the next hill. We ran in his direction worried he maybe in trouble.

"Robin! They've taken them! They took them!" John kept shouting as we saw him come into sight.

"Taken who?"

"I was in Clun. The sheriff 's soldiers. They've taken all the men!" John reported as I felt my blood grow cold.

"How many?" Guy asked as John shook his head trying to catch his breath.

"I don't know. Must have been at least a hundred."

"Robin! Same in Nettlestone! The sheriff 's guard came and just carted them off. Crops and livestock, too." Much shouted coming over the next hill as we all paused realizing what this means.

"A hundred from Clun, a hundred from Nettlestone. She's grabbing innocent men to fight against their king!" I growl.

"They'll go to Locksley next. Get to Locksley!" Robin shouted as we all scrambled running towards our home. If there was one village that would always be Robin's priority, it would be Locksley. I started to feel my blood boil as I really wanted to throw Isabella away into the dungeon and lose the key. As we neared the edge of the forest near Locksley I could hear screaming women and it encouraged us to run faster.

Soldiers in Locksley were rounding up the men, food and livestock. Robin stands over the ridge of a thatched roof, pulls an arrow from his quiver, and shoots a guard on a horse chasing a small group of men and boys. I noticed that the poor men that had have already been caught are chained to the back of a wagon. I noticed that one of Isabella's guards turns his horse around and immediately knows who's to blame for the commotion. He cursed under his breath as Robin continues to shoot another guard coming out of a house with more men. With my sword raised I defend a young boy before being hit as I kick the guard in the stomach. Each member of the gang spilt up around Locksley defending the men against the soldiers.

"Pull back! Get the supplies to the castle! Get the prisoners out of there!" I heard someone shout over the commotion as I began to run towards the prisoners and I saw John coming over to help.

"John! Break the chain!" I shout out blocking a soldier who was about to attack him. Blocking another blow against my sword I spun twisting the soldiers arm causing him to drop his blade and flee. I swear the soldiers have gotten worse. I had a deep grunt behind me and saw John rip the chain from the wagon.

"On the move! On the move!" He shouted as the men scrambled to their feet as we watched the soldiers withdraw from Locksley, either riding or running back towards Nottingham, taking the cart full of supplies with them. At least we had the men as I saw Robin give Isabella's guard a menacing glare.

"They're gone. Let's get these men to Sherwood!" Robin instructed as he lowered his bow. Reaching for a pin in my hair I went along all the prisoned men and released them from their chains. Each one thanking me with a smile and the gang before we began our journey into the forest. I could see some of the villagers keeping their distance from Guy. It was going to take some time before the adjusted to the fact he was on our side. We slowly lead them through the forest and I could see the fear in the men's eyes.

"We have to get the rest of our supplies to Locksley. That'll keep the women and children alive until we return their crops and livestock." Robin instructed as we all paused. I glanced at Tuck and he nodded before stepping after Robin.

"Robin. What about the men?" Tuck asked as I could see the confusion cross his face.

"What about them?"

"Well, when are they going to fight?" Tuck asks as the men continue to file past them further into the woods.

"What's going on?" Guy whispered into my ear as I watched Robin shake his head in Tuck's direction.

"Tuck, these men are farmers, they're not warriors." Robin defended and I had to roll my eyes.

"The Lord helps those who help themselves, Robin. Robin turns with a scowl to look at the men walking past. Your protection weakens them. We are failing in our mission. We're supposed to be inspiring these men to stand up and fight for themselves, giving them real hope." Tuck told him.

"Tuck is trying to encourage the men to fight" I whisper back as Guy raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"These men are terrified for their lives. They've forgotten how to hope."

"Then, my friend... Tuck puts his hand on Robin's arm. ... it's time we lit the flame in them again." Tuck chuckled patting him on the back. As we continued to walk on the skies darkened rumbling before harsh drops of rainfall fell.

"Great" I mumble as I raise my hood over my head. So much for this being a good day Robin.

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