Energizing Shower by Aki Maeda

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フラスコ キラキラする 理科室で待ってて

Furasuko kirakirasuru Rikashitsu de mattete

The flask sparkles. Wait for me in the science room.

Yugi, Joey and Tristan are running in a field of flowers together while Tea and Euphie both stood next to each other.

冷たい手と手あわせ こすりあえば熱くなれるわ

Tsumetai te to te awase Kosuriaeba atsuku nareru wa

If we join our cold hands, And rub them together, they'll be able to feel warm.

The five friends are then seen having fun on the beach together happily.

元気のシャワー君に注いであげる 寂しげなその背中を支えてあげる

Genki no shawaa Kimi ni sosoide ageru Sabishige na sono senaka wo sasaete ageru

I'll pour an energy shower into you, I'll support your lonesome back.

The five are then seen staring out into the moon as night rolls around.

元気のシャワー君は一人じゃないわ 友情の大きな輪に守られてる

Genki no shawaa Kimi wa hitori ja nai wa Yuujou no ooki na wa ni mamorareteru

An energy shower— You're not alone. You're protected by the great ring of friendship.

The five friends are then seen playing in the snow together as winter rolls around. Yugi is then seen holding the box for the Millennium Puzzle.

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