Chapter Twenty Two. Part One

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Nnadia watched in amusement as her husband walked out of the bathroom humming to himself. He looked happy and that brought a smile to her face.

" What's up? You seem very happy." She spoke.

" Yes, I am." He replied and continued to hum.

She was getting curious about the reason behind his joy, she searched her brain for answers and then frowned when she remembered something.

" Does it have anything to do with Maria?" He asked anxiously.

Abdullah stopped what he was doing and turned to face her.

" As a matter of fact, yes." He replied.

' Control yourself.' Nnadia screamed in her mind. She was hurt that just an idea of a date with Maria makes him this happy.

" So what are you planning to wear?" She asked, forcing a smile.

" I'm not going to work today." He reminded her.

" I mean for your date." She informed him.

" Oh," Abdullah said. He then realized what she must have been thinking when he affirmed that his joy had something to do with Maria.

" I don't know. Why don't you choose something for me instead? Make sure that I'll look handsome in it." He said, knowing very well that she was going to get jealous. But what to do, he was allowed to amuse himself right?

" Mmmm." Was all Nnadia could bring herself to say. She was boiling with anger and jealousy inside.

" You wouldn't want your husband to look bad for his date, right?" He teased. And from the corner of his eye, he watched her wipe her face with her hands.

'Did I just make her cry? Darn it.' He kicked himself mentally, rushing over to where she sat.

" Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

" Yes." She sniffed.

" Your eye." He said again in a concerned voice.

" Something went into it." She replied quickly and got up.

" Let me see." He said, following her.

" No, it's fine. It must have... " But before she could finish, Abdullah turned her around to face him. He gazed into her eyes.

" I love you." He said, giving her a soft peck on the forehead.

" I love you too." She replied, hugging him tight.

" Go freshen up and come for breakfast." He told her softly, as he caressed her back.

After breakfast, Nnadia was still sulking inwardly as she massaged her mother in law's feet.

" Oh, God. What have I done to deserve this torture? Leave my feet alone young lady." Her mother in law said sarcastically.

" No, mom, I feel like giving you a proper massage. Just the way you love plaiting my hair every now and then." Nnadia said with a smirk. Her mother in law will find any excuse just to braid her hair.

" This is not a massage, this is torture. How can you be massaging my feet and frowning at the same time?" She enquired.

" I'm not frowning." Nnadia denied, forcing a smile.

" Did you fight with that mischievous son of mine?" She asked again.

" No mommy, we're fine," Nnadia assured her.

" Good. Will you please leave my poor feet alone?" She said with a smirk.

" Okay. But if your feet ever get tired just inform your darling daughter. I'm always available." She threatened mischievously.

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