Chapter Five. Part 1

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It had been a few days since Nnadia visited Abdullah's mom. These past days she has done her best to avoid him and his calls. Just when she thought he was going to get tired of calling and finally lose interest in her, he showed up at her house unannounced. 

It was a lovely Saturday and she was now on her third re-watch of game of thrones season 8. She leaned on her bed, sipping her favorite mango juice when a loud knock came from her door. She was about to answer when her younger sister barged into her room with excitement on her face. 

" Big sis, big sis, brother in law is here." She told Nnadia excitedly. 

" Damn." She cursed. 

To say she was shocked was an understatement. Walking nervously towards the sitting room, her heartbeat intensified. She knew that if she wasted any more time in her room, her mom will make her pay dearly for it. 

" Good afternoon." She said when she got to where he was sitting. Sexy brown orbs gazed into hers. He stared at her as if she were some kind of goddess. 

Letting her own gaze to register on him, she realized the word perfect was an understatement in describing his looks. 

" Hi." He said after recovering from the things her beauty does to him.

" I have been trying to call you all these days but can't get through to you. Is something wrong with your phone?" He asked with concern. 

" Yes," Nnadia replied. Hoping he won't cause any problems for her because her mom was standing right there. 

" But you did not say anything about it." Her mom cut in instantly. 

Her heart began beating even more rapidly. As if that were possible. She searched her mind for an excuse when he suddenly spoke again. 

" It's okay, I will get you another phone on our way out."

" Out where?" She asked. Baffled. 

" Abdullah has asked for permission to take you out, so go get ready quickly." Her mom informed her dismissively. 

Back in her room, Nnadia felt relieved. This was her only chance to calm her nerves and get her thoughts in order. After some time she decided to just go with the flow and avoid doing anything that will anger her parents.

She chose a long peach dress. It was sleeveless. And then a black purse with matching g-string sandals. She sprayed some perfume and left her thick hair in a fro.

She walked back into the sitting room and he was stunned. 

" Wow!" He said getting up to meet her. " You look absolutely stunning." He said in awe. 

Not bothering to thank him, she backed off slightly. 

" Shall we?" He asked eagerly. 

Nodding, she did as she was told and they left for his car, after saying goodbye to her mom. 

The drive went on for a while and the car was filled with awkward silence. He was the one to break it when they reached the center of town. 

" Nadia, I think I see a phone shop just right there, let's go see what we can find." He said to her. 

" He can't even say my name properly." She muttered under her breath. 

" Did you say something?" He asked. 

" I said it's pronounced Innadia not Nadia." She told him flatly. 

He smiled to show he wasn't offended. 

" Make me happy." He said out loud. 

" Excuse me?" She asked with annoyance in her voice. 

" It means make me happy in Madingo." He said. 

" Yes." She replied. Surprised that he could still understand their language after spending two decades abroad. 

" About the phone, you really don't have to bother, I will just get my phone checked." She said, trying to stop him when she realized he was about to stop in front of the shop. 

" It's no problem at all." He said parking in front of the shop. Without waiting for her to speak, he came down the car quickly and went around to open the door for her. She blushed hard for she wasn't used to such chivalrous acts. 

" Thank you," she said and he smiled in return. 

By the time they were out of the shop, she had not one but two new phones. When they had entered the shop, Abdullah had instructed the salesman to bring the best phone he had in his shop. The man had brought both iPhone XS Max and Samsung Galaxy A50s. 

Nadia's jaw dropped. She opened her mouth to speak. Wanting to tell him that they were too expensive but he thought she was confused about which one to choose, so he asked the salesman to pack them both for her. 

They spent most of the day visiting lovely places. By evening they were at the beach. They had dinner in a nice restaurant and then he took her home. 

" I will be traveling soon on important business, but will be back before our engagement." He told her when they reached her house. " Is that okay with you?" He asked, reaching for her hand. 

She snatched her hand away immediately and he realized that she was still not comfortable with him. 

" Sorry." He said. Not wanting her to feel uncomfortable. 

" It's fine." She told him. " I'll go in now." 

He came down to open the door for her and walked her inside the house. 

" I will call you, and please take care of yourself." He said smiling at her. 

HEREMAKONO ( AWAITING HAPPINESS ) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang