Chapter Eighteen. Part One

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Pouting and anxiously glancing towards the door every few seconds, Nnadia dialed her husband's number for the hundredth time that morning. She was feeling sad and defeated that he did not come to pick her up first thing in the morning like he said. And now he was ignoring her calls. 

" I'll not smile at him for a whole week because of this." She mumbled to herself angrily. 

" Nnadia, let's go home. You've been sitting here for over an hour and you did not even finish your breakfast." Her mom in law said to her quietly. 

" Maybe he is on his way, mom, let's wait a bit more," Nnadia replied. 

" I'm not sure about that, my dear, it's almost twelve noon. We have a driver, so let's go. Maybe he had a work emergency. I'm sure that's why he isn't here." She told Nnadia sympathetically. 

" Okay, mom," Nnadia replied sadly. 

" Let's go." 

Nnadia bid her parents goodbye and left with her mother in law. 

' I really hope that mom is right, if not. I won't talk to him at all." She blinked back tears as she thought to herself. She missed him like hell and understood very well that the first thing she would do when she sees him is to run into his arms. 

" Mom," Nnadia called. 

" Yes, dear." Her mom-in -law said, turning to face her. Both of them were sitting in the back seat of the car. 

" Did father, may Allah subhannah wa ta Allah have mercy on him. Did he ever break a promise he made to you?" She inquired innocently. 

Smiling with tears forming in her eyes at the mention of her beloved deceased husband, Abdullah's mom replied. 

" Sometimes, my child, but not intentionally. Never intentionally. Only when he couldn't help it. And I understood it very well." The older woman replied. 

" Okay mom, I'm sorry for reminding you about your late father in law. Please forgive me." Nnadia pleaded, and that made her mother in law chuckle. 

" There's nothing to forgive, my princess. I'm glad that you asked about him. You see, I love talking about him. When you lose a loved one, people normally think avoiding bringing up memories is the right thing but I know reminiscing about our life is the best thing. I can't avoid his memories even if I want to. I get to hear his voice and see his younger version almost every day." She told Nnadia. 

" Really, mom? Does his ghost appear to you looking young?" Nnadia in all her naivety asked her mother in law. 

" No, silly girl. Your Abdullah has the exact same voice and looks like the younger version of his dad." She explained. 

" Oh, okay. I'm so silly." Nnadia laughed for the first time that morning. Her mother in law too joined in. 

" They don't only look the same, but their behaviors are no different. I'll show you the family album later." She told Nnadia. 

" That would be awesome, mom," Nnadia said with a smile. They continued the drive chatting happily. 

It was past six pm and Abdullah still wasn't back from work yet. Nadia'smood shifted from anger to worry and then anger again. She paced the living room like an angry tigress. The door opened slowly and an exhausted-looking Abdullah walked in. Nadia'sanger vanished immediately and love and longing replaced it. 

" Abdullah." His name came stumbling out of her mouth effortlessly. 

" Hi." He said to her, all the while his gaze was focused on the carpet. 

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