Chapter Twenty Three

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It was late at night but Nnadia couldn't get herself to fall asleep. She had woken up to use the bathroom, and now luck wasn't on her side to fall asleep after an hour she just turned from one side to the other restlessly. 

Abdullah was sleeping peacefully on the other side of the bed totally unaware of his wife's discomfort. Her stomach growled for the umpteenth time and she knew that she had to eat something or else it would be much harder to fall asleep. She was now getting closer to the end of her third trimester but she felt like she was being transported back to her first trimester. She had started to become nauseous again and became even more picky with food. At the moment, only Abdullah's infamous chicken noodles is enough to dull her cravings. 

She glanced over at him but instantly decided against waking him up because of how tired she knew he was and how peaceful he looked in his sleep. 

Nnadia forced herself to lay back and try to sleep but she couldn't. Instead, she received furious kicks from the twins informing her not to take their hunger lightly. 

" I'm sorry babies, but I can't wake daddy up. Just see how peaceful he looks." She whispered to them while lovingly caressing her stomach. The only reply she got was another round of kicks. 

" Okay, fine. I'll follow his recipe and prepare it myself." She said, trying to get up. 

" Wifey. What are you murmuring on about?" Abdullah asked in a sleepy voice. 

" Nothing my love. Go back to sleep." She replied softly. 

" Come lay your head on my chest." He invited her lovingly. Nnadia quietly went to him and he started stroking her back sweetly, making goosebumps to rise on her skin. Her stomach was not having any of their romance and growled loudly accompanied by another sharp kick. 

" Ah." Nnadia yelped. 

" What's wrong baby?" Abdullah enquired, instantly getting up. 

" Hubby, I'll just go downstairs and get something to eat," Nnadia replied in embarrassment. 

" Are you feeling hungry? You should've just told me." Abdullah said in a half sleepy voice. 

" What would you like?" He asked again. 

"Um... Noodles or anything. Just get me biscuits and juice." She mumbled feeling ashamed that she was even thinking of asking her husband to cook for her in the middle of the night. 

" Give me fifteen minutes, I'll prepare the noodles." He replied. Nnadia watched as he walked out of the room with muscles flexing. 

' Oh God! What kind of a wife are you? And you silly twins why are you making me torture your innocent father like this?' She thought disappointedly. 

" Here. Served hot, just as you like it." Abdullah said sometime later, breaking her out of her thoughts. The spicy and delicious aroma hit her nostrils and her mouth watered immediately. 

" Thank you, hubby. I'm so sorry for disturbing your sleep." Nnadia said sincerely. 

" You have no idea how fulfilled and happy I feel whenever I'm able to do anything for you. So don't even start with the thank you's. Wake me up whenever you want." He replied, giving her a sweet kiss. Nnadia blushed shyly. 

" Can I feed you now?" He said raising the spoon to her lips and she instantly felt like crying. 

" You're the best thing that has ever happened to me." She told him truthfully. 

HEREMAKONO ( AWAITING HAPPINESS ) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora