Chapter Eight. Part Two

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" Nnadia, you know that you can tell me first right? Her mom said to her when they were packing the groceries in the storeroom. Abdullah was in the sitting room chatting with her dad. 

" Tell you what mom?" Nnadia asked. 

" Are you pregnant? Is that why you both came together?" Her mom asked her. " Oh my God, I'm finally going to become a grandma." She giggled excitedly. 

" Mom, mom. Hold on a second. I'm not pregnant." Nnadia told her flatly. 

" Wait, what? You mean after all these months? Let me call your mother in law so that she can advise you. God knows you don't ever listen to me." Her mom replied in disappointment. 

Before Nnadia could say anything, her mom was already making the call. 

" Hello, Fatima, how are you? Yes, thank God. Our kids are here and I was expecting them to tell me that they are having a baby but no. She is still not pregnant yet. Here, please talk to her. Maybe she'll listen to you. I'm sure that she is preventing it from happening." Her mom said, handing over the phone to her. 

" Hello, mom." Nnadia greeted her mother in law. 

" My pretty girl, what's going on? Are you taking the pills?" Abdullah's mom asked. 

" No, mom, I'm not taking any pills," Nnadia replied. 

" Okay," She heard her mom in law sigh through the phone. " Please give us good news soon." She told Nnadia. 

" Yes, mom, in God's grace," Nnadia replied. She hung up and finished packing then went into the sitting room to meet her husband. He was also on his phone talking. 

" Alright, mom, I will tell her." He said turning to her. " Nnadia mom said she has asked you to do something very important for her and that I should tell you to please do it soon." He informed her. 

Nnadia bowed her head and blushed. 

" What did she ask you to do? You can tell me, I will do it for you or help you." He told her. 

She smiled but still didn't reply. 

Later that evening when they were back home, Abdullah asked her again. 

" Nnadia, aren't you going to tell me what mom asked you to do? I'm your husband you know, I can help you. Or don't you believe I can?"

She blushed harder. " You are way too persistent. She wants a grandchild from me." Nnadia glanced away after informing him. 

" Oh!" Abdullah exclaimed, and averted his gaze from her. It was only after a little while Nnadia realized that he was blushing. And then he frowned as if he just recalled something very bad. 

" Don't worry, she doesn't know that we're getting a divorce." He told her calmly. That sent cold chills down her spine. 

" A divorce? Why?" Nnadia asked, jumping from her seat. 

Their gaze met and there was sadness in his eyes. 

" I mean, you might soon find your Mr right and I made you a promise." He said again sadly. 

Nnadia was angry now. " I'm not looking for any Mr right because I've already found him." She then left him sitting there alone, and walked into her room angry at no one in particular. 

During the entire Ramadan, they had become even more close, more friendly. They enjoyed each other's company and made each other laugh a lot. She makes his favorite meals and enters his room to help him with work all the time. 

She just woke up from a nap that afternoon when Hajara called. 

" Girl, my husband just gave me money to shop for eid. Let's go now please." She pleaded. 

" Hajara please, let's make it tomorrow morning. It's only an hour left before I start cooking dinner for my husband." Nnadia told her. 

" Please now, you already have a hired cook. So what's the problem" She asked. 

" A hired cook for my husband to break his fast? Really Hajara? I thought you of all people will understand me but no. You get to see and feed your husband every day while mine travels all the time. If you can't wait till tomorrow, then I'm not going." Nnadia told her friend sternly. 

" Okay fine, tomorrow then." Hajara hung up after that. 

" You should go." Nnadia heard her husband say behind her back. She turned to see him smiling. 

" Nope." She replied. 

" Really, it's fine, Mrs possessive. It's the thoughts that count." He told her teasingly. 

Nnadia threw the cushion at him. 

" Don't tease." She warned. 

" Seriously you can go, you need to shop too and there's only a few days left for eid. Have you given your parents the money to shop?" He asked. 

" Yes. They said to thank you. I will shop tomorrow." She replied. 

" Since you cooked, let me wash the dishes at least," Abdullah told her later that evening. 

" No. No, I can't let you." Nnadia replied nervously. 

" But I can. " Abdullah said willingly.

" So let me."

" My mom would be disappointed if she finds out that I let you wash the dishes," Nnadia told him seriously. 

" I'm sure she would be glad that I'm helping my wife," Abdullah replied, not giving up. 

" C'mon, let me wash them."

" Okay. But you won't do it alone. I'm joining." Nnadia said, finally moving aside to allow her husband near the sink. 

" Cool. With your pretty self, I'm sure it will turn out to be much more fun." Abdullah said with a smile.

" Are you flirting with your wife Mr. Sesay?" Nnadia asked, raising her brow teasingly. 

" Maybe I am," Abdullah replied with a smirk. 

On Eid morning, Nnadia was about to go take her bath when she heard a knock on the door. She quickly got up to open it and met a sexy husband looking fresh and sweet in his eid attire. He had a broad smile on his face. 

" Come in." She said opening the door wide enough for him to enter. 

" No, I just brought you a gift. Wear them today. But please don't take too long, we are already getting late." He told her. 

" Promise." She replied, flashing him a bright smile, collecting the package from him. Back in her room, she opened it and screamed. The dress, jewelry, and shoes were all beautiful. She ran out of her room, shouted his name when she saw him going down the stairs. He looked up at her. 

" Thank you, thank you. I really love them." She informed him. 

He smiled at her cheerfully. 

After prayers, they visited her parents and a few friends. They also called his mom and she was so happy to talk to them. 

" Nnadia, when am I getting the good news? " Her mom in law asked for the hundredth time. 

" Soon mom." Nnadia laughingly replied. 

" So what's happening on Saturday?" She asked again. 

" Nothing, mom," Nnadia told her carelessly. 

" Really? It's your husband's birthday and nothing is happening?" She asked in surprise. 

" Oh my God, mom!" Nnadia exclaimed. " I almost forgot, thanks a lot for reminding me." She lied, not wanting her mom in law to know that she doesn't even know her husband's birthday. 

" I will start planning his surprise right away," Nnadia said excitedly. 

" Okay, my dear, if you need any help just let me know." Abdullah's mom offered. 

After she hung up, Nnadia started thinking about what to do for his birthday. She realized that she had very little time. 

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