Chapter Seventeen. Part Two

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" Why would you even travel that far without telling me?" Abdullah said worriedly to Nnadia. He was now pacing with worry in his office. A huge storm had hit the country's capital out of nowhere. Even weather forecasters couldn't foretell it. 

" I'm sorry, hubby, mom asked to take me out for shopping and I was very excited. So since I was with both of them, I just thought that it was okay." Nnadia explained to him through the phone. 

" The storm is very heavy. It's all over the news. Some places have started to flood. I'm so worried about you, my love." Abdullah said again. 

" Don't be hubby, we will soon reach my parent's house. Mom said that we should spend the night there." She informed him. The mall she went shopping was three hours away from home but much closer to her parent's house. 

" Okay good. I'm going to meet you there. I'll leave right away." Abdullah told her. 

" What? Don't even think about it. The streets are flooding and you're trying to come here? Don't even let your mom hear about this." Nnadia warned him. 

" So what. I'm coming  to be with you, and that's final. I'll swim if I have to." Abdullah stated firmly. 

" Cars are floating and I don't want you out in the streets you hear me. Go home and I'll be there in the morning." Nnadia snapped and hung up. 

" What's wrong dear, is that Abdullah?" Her mother in law enquired when she saw the angry look on her face. 

" Yes, mom. He is so stubborn. Can you imagine that he wants to come over to my parent's house in this weather?" Nnadia said frustrated. 

" Oh no. He dares not. Let me call him right away." Her mother in law said, reaching for her phone in her bag. 

" These kids." Nnadia's mom said, shaking her head with a smile on her face. 

After a few minutes, his mom was finally able to convince him not to come and she promised to take care of his wife. 

I don't know how I'll be able to sleep without you, but I'll try. Keep safe and I promise to be there first thing in the morning. Love you. 

Nnadia smiled when she received the above text message from him. Nnadia sighed heavily when the car parked in front of her parent's house. She hated thunder and storms. 

" Let's get inside quickly. This wind is blowing too heavily. I pity those living in disaster-prone areas, may Allah protect them." She spoke sadly.

" True. I really hope the government can evacuate them before they lose their lives." Her mother in law said. 

" Mom, what about we build low-cost houses for people like these. The government cannot address everything. It's the place of us that can afford it to help these people." Nnadia told them determinedly. 

" That's a great idea, my dear, we will talk to Abdullah about it." Her mother in law said gladly. 

As soon as they had settled down in her old room, her phone started ringing. Nnadia excused herself to the bathroom to answer the call. 

" What is it again?" She asked her husband. 

" I wanted to check if you were alright. I just got home." Abdullah informed her quietly. " Look. Please don't be angry with me, I wasn't expecting to be away from you today that's all. I miss you." He said again and she felt the longing in his voice. 

" I miss you too. We'll see each other tomorrow okay?" Nnadia said to her husband soothingly. 

" What if we spend the night video chatting," Abdullah suggested. 

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