Chapter Nine. Part Two

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Enraged, Abdullah grabbed Mike from the back and sent him flying across the room. Nnadia ran into his arms, hugging him tightly. She sighed, happy that he came in time to save her from this monster. Her joy was short-lived because she felt her husband pulling away from her. He did not hug her back., Nnadia realized. She stared at him and that moment he looked damn scary. 

He took quick strides towards Mike and plunged at him. Punch after punch landed on Mike's face. Mike tried to fight back but he was no match for Abdullah. Nnadia felt no pity for him, he deserved much more than this. She thought. 

By the time Abdullah dragged Mike out of her room, he was bleeding from his mouth and nose. 

" That's it." She said to no one in particular. " He is really going to pay for his actions this time and maybe he will finally leave me alone."

She went into the bathroom to scrub her skin and remove his filthy touch. She washed her mouth several times. Just the thought of what was about to happen, had Abdullah not arrived on time disgusted her. Nnadia then went to pray, thanking Allah for not allowing Mike to rape her. She knew that she wouldn't be able to ever face her husband if he did. 

Nnadia was feeling very impatient. She wanted to see her husband or at least hear from him. She expected him to call her in for her statement at whatever police station he took Mike. She also wanted him to know how much she loved and appreciated him, for the care and protection he has given her. She went downstairs to wait for him. 

Sometime later, Nnadia had called her husband over ten times but to no avail. After what seemed like hours, she heard the sound of his car from the driveway. A few minutes later, he entered the living room. 

Much to her surprise, he passed right by her without sparing her a glance. She practically ran after him trying to ask about Mike's situation. She went close to him and tried touching his arm when he roared. 

" Don't ever presume to touch me ever in your life." 

Dumbfounded, she asked. " But why?" 

" Really?" He asked. Turning to face her with anger evident in his voice. And the confused expression on her face only infuriated him even more. 

" Are you really going to pretend now?" He asked, coming even closer. 

" Wow! You're such an amazing actress." He said clapping his hands in mockery. 

" But let me ask you Nnadia, don't you have one iota of shame in you? What kind of a woman are you anyways? I always knew that you never had any feelings for me but still didn't expect you to stoop this low. How could you, Nnadia? " He asked almost in tears, and then went on. 

" You pushed your husband out of your room only to bring someone else in his place? I mean, even if you don't have respect or love for me, at least you should have thought about your status as a married woman." 

Tears trickled down her face, for she was hurt beyond words. He turned to leave once more and she tried following. 

" Oh, God!" She exclaimed. 

" Abdullah please wait, it's, it's not what you're thinking at all. Please just let..." She tried explaining. 

He shouted this time around silencing her. 

" In the name of Allah, please don't speak. I detest your voice. And your face?" He clenched his hand in a fist and then pointed his finger at her. " Your face only brings me pain. I'm gladly going to give you the freedom to be with him, just don't let me see your face till then." With that, he turned away from her and left. 

Nnadia couldn't believe her eyes or ears. She has never seen him this angry before, and he got it all wrong. How could he even think that she would give his place to someone like Mike? 

Earlier today, she had thought that they were finally going to be happy. At this moment, with his bitter words still echoing in her ears, she really doubted it now. 

" I'm leaving this house Imran, I won't come back as long as she is here. Can you imagine? They've been together since college. He showed me pictures of them kissing and cuddling. And she brought him here, to my house." Abdullah yelled. Explaining to his friend in his room. 

Imran, who is Abdullah's best friend, showed up a few minutes after the exchange between them. 

" Calm down man, I know that this is very painful, but you have to calm down," Imran advised. 

Nnadia was standing by his door listening. " Oh Allah, so Mike made him believe that we were still seeing each other?" She whispered to herself. Peeking through the door, she saw her husband pacing back and forth. He looked distraught. 

" If she loves him to the extent of losing her morality, why didn't she just marry him then? This girl is an evil walaahi. I could've given her divorce if she had just asked, why did she have to hurt me like this?" He said sitting down on his bed and getting up again to pace. " When you look at her, you'll think she is the true definition of innocent. She freaking made me fall in love with her. Damn it!" Abdullah banged his fists on the wall and Nnadia felt her heartache at his pain. 

" You know, she even texted me about wanting to tell me something important. At first, I thought she wanted to tell me something hopeful about our marriage. Stupid me." He facepalmed himself. " Now I'm very certain that it has something to do with  them and their illegitimate affair." He told his friend like a child who has just found the missing piece of his puzzle. 

" Abdul, Abdul listen, man, I know that you're hurt but you really need to calm down. You're a good man, and she will regret doing this to you." Imran told him soothingly. 

" Help me get my things, I'm feeling suffocated just staying under the same roof with her," Abdullah said, walking out of the room. 

Nnadia stood in front of him, blocking his way. 

" Move." He warned brown orbs that used to stare at her with love now blazing with fury. 

" No." She replied defiantly. 

" Abdullah listen, that guy is just a lying piece of shit. It was over between us even before I met you, I swear on my life. I don't know why he told you such lies, maybe he wants to escape his crime." She said crying bitterly. 

" Escape?" Abdullah asked seethingly.

" Your lover is going to rot in jail for a long time. You shouldn't have invited him here. But don't worry, in prison, they have something that they call visiting hours, you can romance with him then." He provoked. Pushing her aside and walking away. 

Nnadia's heart shattered that instant. 

' So is he never going to believe me? He has the right to be angry but at least he should've listened to me.' She thought, crying. 

Imran came out from the room carrying some things in his hands, he gave her an angry glare. Feeling defeated, Nnadia dialed her best friend's number. When Hajara picked up, she couldn't say anything but cry. 

" Nnadia you're scaring me, please say something," Hajara said, sounding worried. 

" It hurts, it hurts so bad I can't breathe." Nnadia cried. 

" What is it? Tell me please." She demanded but Nnadia only went on crying and didn't reply. 

" I'm on my way. Please don't do anything stupid." She told Nnadia and hung up. 

Every relationship faces challenges. Let's see how this one will play out. 

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