Chapter Six. Part Two

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The day had been splendid for Nnadia. Her wedding ceremony was utterly flawless. This was exactly what her girlish dreams had been all about. To have the perfect wedding with the perfect guy she is in love with. The only problem here was the lack of love Nnadia felt. This was just an arranged marriage for her. 

" Are you listening at all?" Nnadia was brought out of her daze by her aunt. 

Sitting on the bed in what is now her new house, Nnadia was being lectured about marriage by her elder female relatives. She looked around, all of them were looking at her expectantly. She bowed her head and nodded politely. Hoping it would work because she hasn't really been paying attention to them. 

" Obey him always." Her aunt said again. With warning in her tone. " We will leave you now, may God bless your marriage." She prayed and touched Nadia's face lovingly. 

" Ameen, thank you very much, aunty." She replied smiling at them. She wished her mom was here but then that would only mean more warnings for her. 

Nnadia felt fear sipping through her skin as they left. I'm on my own now she thought. She shifted on the bed nervously. She had been sitting in the same position for a while now. Nnadia decided to look around the room. This was not the same house she had visited before. She knew that because when they had lifted her veil earlier on, everything was different from the house she visited Abdullah's mom in. This house was more modern but just as big and luxurious. She wished his mom was here, at least her presence alone would have helped. 

She looked around the room, it was very big. The bed was king size. A long TV was hanging on the wall. To the right-hand corner was a large couch. This was not like her room at all. Nnadia noticed. No sign of clothing anywhere. She saw a door at the far end thinking it must lead to the closet or bathroom. 

A few moments later, she heard a knock on the door. Her heart leaped with dread. It must be him, she thought. Her husband. She was really married. Nnadia started sweating as realization dawned on her. 

When she had failed to answer. The door swung open revealing Abdullah in all his handsomeness. He walked in majestically and their gaze met and held. 

" Hi, wifey." He said smiling at her. The way he looked down at her made her stomach clench. She stared at him, completely lost. She realized whenever he was this close, she tends to forget things. Important things, like this is an arranged marriage after all. She had never felt this way with any man before. Not even with Mike. She felt a shiver of something between excitement and fear. 

He is not expecting anything intimate to happen between them tonight, is he?  Because she wasn't going to allow it. 

Her eyes roamed his face and her gaze landed on his lips. Her thoughts diverted to how they would feel on hers. Fortunately for her, he wasn't a psychic to know what was going on in her traitorous mind. 

Nnadia recalled their first dance as a couple. They had danced to FROM THIS MOMENT ON by Shania Twain. That had been the most romantic moment of her life. With his one hand on her lower back and the other on her shoulders, he had held her very close to himself. His scent had tingled her senses. He smelled heavenly to her. His cologne was fresh and sweet. Sophisticated yet sensual. She had reveled in it. Had the music not come to an end, Nnadia wouldn't have been able to resist the temptation of kissing him much longer. She had seen it in his eyes too. 

" Nnadia." He called smiling. Bringing her back to earth. 

Embarrassed, Nnadia realized she was blushing. She instantly tore her gaze away, hoping he wouldn't notice that she was slightly out of breath. 

" Do you want me to get anything for you?" He asked her sweetly. 

" No." She replied quickly. Not wanting to look his way anymore. Every fiber of her being was certain she was falling in love with him. She really ought to get away from him, she thought. She found him far too attractive for her liking. 

" There's some of the wedding cake downstairs, would you like some?" He insisted. 

The mention of the word cake sent Nadia's mind racing back to their wedding reception. They had been asked to feed each other with their wedding cake, and when she fed him, he had stared at her as if he was eating her instead. 

" No," Nnadia replied sharply. 

He raised his brow questioningly. 

" I.. I don't want to sleep in here." She had stuttered. 

" Why?" He asked. Looking at her speculatively. His voice sounded worried. " You don't like this room? I told mom to let you decorate it yourself. But don't worry,  we can move into any of the other rooms if you like." He told her calmly. 

Nnadia gazed at him for a millisecond and then turned her eyes away. " That's not it,"  She paused. Obviously looking for the right words. " I want another room for myself, alone." She finished with her heart pounding in her chest.

Abdullah had been staring at her in utter confusion. Nnadia realized she had sounded as if she was afraid of him. And now that she thought about it, she knew she wasn't. 

He started moving again, coming over to where she was. Nnadia got up from the bed abruptly. Nervous and scared. He stood in front of her, held her hands in his. Her palms were sweating then. 

" This is your house, you can sleep wherever you want." He told her with a warm smile, then kissed her forehead and left the room. She just stood there open-mouthed, until he was out of sight. 

Grateful that he had given her carte blanche, Nnadia exhaled loudly. She liked him for not forcing the issue. She knew he had the right to but she felt that they hadn't quite reached that point in their relationship yet. Happy, she went in search of her things. 

Nnadia chose a room a little farther from the master's bedroom. She went into the bathroom and ran her bath. As she slid under the warm water, she wondered what would have happened if she had stayed in his room. 

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Thank you. 

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