Chapter Five. Part Two

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Nnadia felt someone shaking her in her sleep. But as exhausted as she was, she snuggled down deeper into the bedding. 

" Wake up, dear," She heard her mom's voice. 

" Oh God, please let me sleep a bit more mom." She groaned. 

" No way, young woman, have you forgotten how important today is? Hajara would be pissed at you." Her mom scolded her. 

" But why mom..?" And then it dawned on her. Today was her best friend's wedding day. " OMG..." Nnadia screamed, rolling out of bed instantly. She felt her body ache all over. The reason for her fatigue is that she has been busy with the preparations for two weddings including hers. They had gone for fittings, shopping, and other wedding stuff. 

Rushing into the bathroom to take a quick shower she chastised herself because as the chief bridesmaid, she was supposed to be with Hajara very early today. 

" Let me call to inform her I'm on my way." She said out loud. 

Putting on whatever she could get her hands on first, she left her house with her things in a haste. 

Hajara's engagement had been done a week ago. Today they will be conducting the mosque wedding at noon and then the wedding reception later that evening.

When she finally got to her friend's house, they had their makeup done and dressed up to go to the mosque. The bride was wearing a lovely white gown and her bridesmaids wore pink. 

After the wedding was finalized, they took lots of pictures and then went back to Hajara's house to prepare for the reception. They passed time by looking at pictures and chatting in her room. 

" I can't believe I'm married." Hajara squealed. " I'm so excited and can't wait to go to his house." 

Nnadia's mouth hung open, still not believing how fast her friend fell in love with a total stranger and how happy she is about living with him. 

With that her mind drifted to Abdullah, he has been gone for over a month now and his calls have become very seldom. 

" I'm very happy that you are also getting married soon." Hajara went on in excitement. 

Nnadia smiled at her then. With her mind still on her own wedding. 

The wedding reception was a bomb. Everything went perfect. Nadia's parents had left along with most of the elders. She had stayed back for the conveyance of the bride as is her duty. Her younger sister also decided to stay back with her but after a while, Nnadia has looked around but can't seem to find her. She decided to go out of the noise of the hall to call her.

Once she was outside, she felt someone standing behind her back and she turned to face the person. Once their eyes met, she felt instantly wary. 

" What are you doing here Mike?" She asked. Horrified.

She did not expect to see him here, not today of all days. She had gotten over him and is now letting life take its course. 

" When I heard that silly friend of yours is getting married, I knew for sure you would be here." He told her nonchalantly. 

" Look, I don't know why you are here and I don't care. Just stay away from me that's all." She warned him. 

" Why must I stay away, is it because I heard you were marrying someone from abroad? You will really let some dirty old man get his hands on you just because he is rich?" He asked provokingly. 

She raised her head to look at him and he looked rugged as always. Her body shook with fury.

" Dirty old man?" She asked, feeling defensive.

" Wallahi you are not even fit to clean his shoes." She spat at him. 

" Really?" 

He asked. His voice was rough. He was getting angry now. Grabbing at her hand aggressively, she winced in pain. 

" I only gave you space for you to come back to your senses. You are not going to marry him or anyone else, not if I can help it. Just say no to the proposal immediately." He told her. 

She could feel anger riling up in her. 

" Who even gave you the idea that you can tell me what to do with my life? Let go of me this instant or else." She warned. 

" And if I refuse?" He challenged her cockily. 

Revolted. She raised her free hand to slap the cocky grin off his face. She was stopped by Ahmed. Hajara's elder brother. He freed her from Mike's grip. 

" Don't you ever dare to manhandle my younger sister again." He threatened Mike. 

" When I put my mind to something, it gets done. Don't forget that, Nnadia." Mike threatened and then left. 

" And what were you doing with him out here alone? Have you forgotten you are getting married soon?" Ahmed inquired. 

" Nothing, bro, I think he is stalking me that's all. I was just trying to call Salma to know where she is."She replied honestly. 

" She is inside," He told her. " Come let's go."

Hajara was taken to her husband's house and Nnadia returned home very tired. Still angry about seeing Mike, trying hard to forget his words. Her mind went to Abdullah and she couldn't help but smile. She fell asleep soon after that. 

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